Golden comets not eating


8 Years
Mar 7, 2016
Virginia, USA
Hey guys. I have 3 golden comets (red sex links) and they haven't been finishing their feed lately. I feed them in the coop when it was snowing and when it was 4 degrees, but they didn't even react when I put feed out this morning, and there was feed already in the feeding box. I have liquid water available as well.
They may be slowing down due to the cold weather and decreased activity. Put some chopped egg or some bread crumbs rooled in plain yogurt or mixed into the feed, and then see if they will become interested. My chickens are eating less on very cold days, and they also eat less during a molt. If they don't act interested in the egg, then check their crops and again in the morning to make sure they are emptying overnight.

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