Golden Laced Wyandottes, White feathers? Take A look (Pics Added)


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
When they are young, do Golden Laced wyandottes sometimes get some white feathering as they start to get their feathers?
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Oooh, good question -I'm wondering that too! I have two young gold-laced cochin bantams, and one of them is heavily spotted with white. The hatchery seemed to think that it definitely was GL bantam and not a mille fleur cochin bantam (which I suspected). So I'm guessing that they can have white spots in their early feathers. I hope you get some good answers from more experienced people!
Oh, that's a good point! Exactly how old are they? Mine are almost six weeks old and look like this (not the best pic, sorry!):


Out of interest (and curiousity
) could you post a pic of yours?
Mine is just about 3 weeks now.
I will get a photo and post it later today, it may not be easy to see because of what the flash does, ill try to get a natural lighting shot if I can.
Ok here she is.
You can clearly see the white on the feathers.
For those who havent read my earlier posts, I had to try to pick out a glw from a batch that had been mixed with EE's and this was my second attempt.
When I went to take these pics today, she had feathered out even more since last night and some of the laceing Pattern has started to show.

But whats up with the white feathers!

The green foot in the pic belongs to our EE that's sitting next to her on my arm.

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I'm noping not.
I have a black cochin bantam of the same age and he is red with a really big comb. So far the gold-laced have red wattles and very peachy combs that haven't grown very much. But the one that has the heavy white spotting is always challenging my black roo, though I haven't heard it crow (which the black has been doing for a few weeks). We'll see!

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