Good ideas of what plants to grow for chickens?

My girls and guys won't touch lettuce. I think they're just picky
Mine love squash, cucumbers, pumpkin, watermelon, and thoroughly enjoy when our peach, pear, and apple trees drop their fruit. We also grow sunflowers for them.

Delicious pears!
Chard, kale, dark leaf lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, winter squash, pumpkins, any kind of berries, clover, alfalfa and anything else you feel like growing. Amaranth, sunflower. If they don't free range in the yard, you can grow wheat or other grasses for them, too. They like lots of greens, seeds, fruits and vegetables.
Truthfully, whatever grows well in your area. Chickens are omnivores and while individual preferences can vary, any fruit/veggie/grain/whatever is a good offering.

Mine currently dine on huge swiss chard (folks keep asking me if it's rhubarb!), summer squashes, and peppers. I randomly pull whatever grass is around and toss in to them. Clover is always a favorite.

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