Good or Bad ???

Absolutely not being too sensitive!! What some feel is "just a spider" is another living creature, in my opinion. Who are we to say what creature is more important than another? Aside from the fact that spiders are incredibly beneficial to our environment, I worry about the kind of person that thinks it's ok to torture a helpless creature. I also worry about what kind of person would think the video is funny enough to feel the need to share with others. JMOP.
As horrible as it was to watch a living thing be tortured like that, I can't help but be sooooooooo creeped out right now.

Spiders are scary. And that was a very large, hairy, scary spider.
I saw that video, and I was pretty darn upset as well. There's no need to pester it, even if "its just a spider." And this is coming from an EXTREME arachnophobic.

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