Good Russian Orloff stock


Jun 19, 2016
Keeseville, NY
Hey all,

Hoping someone here can point me in the direction of good Russian Orloff breeders rather than Sussex Orloff mutts being sold as the real deal. I am keen on breeding these rare birds and know that depending on the source they are either some of the best birds or the worst.

Many thanks,

Hey all,

Hoping someone here can point me in the direction of good Russian Orloff breeders rather than Sussex Orloff mutts being sold as the real deal. I am keen on breeding these rare birds and know that depending on the source they are either some of the best birds or the worst.

Many thanks,

Who is selling the mutts? Is it a large commercial hatchery or some other breeder?
I honestly don't know anyone specifically doing such, but while searching around for quality strains people have mentioned that the Spangled Orloffs in America are being mixed with Speckled Sussex due to lack of access to other Spangled Orloffs and to improve the spangling. I'm not a dedicated purist, I actually love mixing my EEs, however my favorite breed of all chickens is the RO so I want to avoid mixing because I think they are spectacular and deserve more love here in the States.
That's horrible! Who would ever mix a Speckled Sussex with a Spangled Orloff and actually sell them as purebred Orloffs?! Thank you for shedding light on such a dishonest practice. Each breed is from completely unrelated genetic stock and that would definitely ruin the Orloffs. I've raised purebred Speckled Sussex before, but they are definitely not as healthy and robust as the Orloffs. And personality-wise, the temperament of each breed, not to mention the behavior of the cocks is completely different. The spangling can only be improved by years of working on it, trying to cheat by mixing with another breed that has better coloring won't improve the breed, rather it will ultimately destroy it. Coloring is the least of the genetic potential of a breed and the last thing to worry about. Maintaining breed purity must always remain the top priority. The health and traits of a breed that is critically endangered should never be risked by cross-breeding with an entirely different breed.

And a British breed is entirely different from an Eastern or Asian one genetically. Unfortunately, a lot of British breeds are quite prone to illness, while other, healthier breeds in the same coop that share the same water, air, etc. won't come down with what the others might catch. Not that the Sussex I had were sickly, most of their life they were healthy, but you really notice a difference once you start raising other breeds and can properly compare. The Buff Orpingtons I initially had were far worse than the Sussex health-wise.

Anyhow, to get back to the topic of where to find good stock of this rare breed, is there anyone who has had experience with High Hopes line of birds? I know they are breeding for show and have won prizes and their birds have beautiful feathering but would love to hear from someone who has actually acquired stock from them. Their web site is:

And would anyone out there reading this who has purchased Russian Orloffs from Sand Hill in the past please take the time to reply as to their experience or PLEASE let us know whether they have original birds or any purebred descendants of Sand Hill's line available? It would be very much appreciated! It is free to post a reply, and very simple to set up an account and click 'Post Reply' at the bottom of this thread. Thank you so much for your help in preserving this rare breed!

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