GOODMORNING everyone! What do you think?

May 20, 2022
Hi guys,
Can someone give me your opinions on my babies 😍🥰 first chick
At 1 day

At 1 Day old

AT 1 week old


At 1 week and 3 days old
This is our second bundle of joy 🥰😍
At 1 day (hatch day)

1 week old


1 week + 1 day

** Funnily enough the yellow was born a day later but is much bigger than the black one. They both came from very light creamy pinkish eggs ass you can see in the incubator

**The eggs were smallish to medium sized if that is remotely helpful 😆 I’m sorry but you all are clearly the experts so even my most educated guess on them is a bit rubbish.

Anyone want to place a guess I’d love to see what YOU think!

Thank you so so very much
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What about the chick?
For gender - too young.
For breed - could be many things. Also too young.
It's very cute.
I’ve given up trying to figure out gender ☺️

I love them so much and the kids are all taking guesses
We’ve been comparing what feels like hundreds of baby chick photos haha 😂 seems to be the new replacement for Xbox gaming these days- guess the chicken has taken over 🤓☺️
I’ve given up trying to figure out gender ☺️

I love them so much and the kids are all taking guesses
We’ve been comparing what feels like hundreds of baby chick photos haha 😂 seems to be the new replacement for Xbox gaming these days- guess the chicken has taken over 🤓☺️
They sure are cuties!
Oh, okay. Where did you purchase the eggs, and what were they sold as? (Mixes, purebreds, etc)
We haven’t a clue as we got them off a farm, as eggs sold off the farm. But I think they may be from these chickens attached

I’ll continue to update this post if that’s allowed as weeks pass hopefully we will get a clearer idea of the possibilities ☺️🥰

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