Gooey thing on chick

Iva S.

Jul 8, 2017
My second chick hatched just a few minutes ago and when I took it out of the incubator and to the brooder, I noticed a weird gooey dangly thing from its bottom. I didn’t help it hatch or anything. Is this normal or has something gone wrong? Also, the other chick that hatched seems to be a bit rude to the new one. It’s pecking at it and the gooey thing.
That's leftover embryonic waste, but it's still attached to the chick's stomach via that little bit of tissue so be careful.

I wouldn't have that chick in the brooder now, I'd leave it in the incubator to dry off and let its belly finish closing up since it looks like it's still a little open. While you can move a chick right to the brooder after it hatches, it's better to leave in the incubator for awhile to dry off, fluff up, and gain some strength.

If she were mine, I'd carefully snip the little string of tissue connected to her belly to remove the waste so she doesn't snag it on something and pull her belly open, and then I'd put her back in the incubator for at least a few hours.
That's leftover embryonic waste, but it's still attached to the chick's stomach via that little bit of tissue so be careful.

I wouldn't have that chick in the brooder now, I'd leave it in the incubator to dry off and let its belly finish closing up since it looks like it's still a little open. While you can move a chick right to the brooder after it hatches, it's better to leave in the incubator for awhile to dry off, fluff up, and gain some strength.

If she were mine, I'd carefully snip the little string of tissue connected to her belly to remove the waste so she doesn't snag it on something and pull her belly open, and then I'd put her back in the incubator for at least a few hours.
This is actually not an unabsorbed yolk sac :) Just hatching waste.

Ditto all of the above.
That's leftover embryonic waste, but it's still attached to the chick's stomach via that little bit of tissue so be careful.

I wouldn't have that chick in the brooder now, I'd leave it in the incubator to dry off and let its belly finish closing up since it looks like it's still a little open. While you can move a chick right to the brooder after it hatches, it's better to leave in the incubator for awhile to dry off, fluff up, and gain some strength.

If she were mine, I'd carefully snip the little string of tissue connected to her belly to remove the waste so she doesn't snag it on something and pull her belly open, and then I'd put her back in the incubator for at least a few hours.

That was helpful! Something like this happened at my uncle's house when chicks were hatching.

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