Goofy girl...


14 Years
Mar 30, 2008
I work night shift, and try to be on the road around 8 pm to go in. Last night I got up and the road conditions said 'no travel advised'. That means that the roads aren't closed yet, but plows may have been pulled and if you get stranded they may not be able to come help you. I erred on the side of caution and called work to say that I wasn't coming in. The winter storm had been reclassified and was now officially a blizzard.

I went out to check on the peas, and sure enough the midnight hen was perched on the branch in the outside pen. It was snowing, windy, temp was at 0 and windchill was around 25 below. I convinced her to go into their building. Since it got colder they have all been sleeping inside, then a few went back to sleeping outside when we had a few warmer nights (temp was in the 20's above 0). Goofy girl!
Mine sleep in the blowing rains at night and then when it gets daylight they go in the loft of th barn, go figure, they will stay in the barn all day if it rains but sleep in it at night when it is freezing cold.
zazouse, you and minxfox take the most beautiful pictures!

Thinking about it, I have them in an 8x10 building with a 10x10 outside run. I currently have the set up in my front yard so it's close enough to run an extension cord to keep the water from freezing as much as possible. With it being in the yard, I think the house and row of lilac bushes that line the end of the yard were helping cut the wind so the wind chill wouldn't have been as bad as it would be in the open areas. We had freezing drizzle the night before while I was at work and I don't know if any slept out in that or not. I could probably tell, I could just look to see if the outside perch is iced over or not. My truck sure was when I came out of work!
I always feel sorry for the peacocks when they are trying to walk some where and that long train gets blown by the wind causing the bird to have to turn another direction. I can just imagine what it is like in places with a bunch more wind.
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