goopy eye

Is it pussy? I had a chicken with an eye-infection (presumably because another chicken pecked her or something). It was pussy and foggy. We isolated her, and bought terramycin antibiotic ointment from Tractor Supply. We put it right on her eye (I forget how often or for how long). She was better in about a week I think.
no just watery with crust around the eye. like the crust on your eyes when you wake up, but a lot
I had some chickens who got stuff in their eyes. It'd build up til the chicken couldn't see....all full of green stuff. They also had a gurgle in their throat. They ended up dying. I can't remember what I tried treating them with....but it didn't work.
oh no..

I had some chickens who got stuff in their eyes. It'd build up til the chicken couldn't see....all full of green stuff. They also had a gurgle in their throat. They ended up dying. I can't remember what I tried treating them with....but it didn't work.
i put some contact solution in it and tried to get the crust off, but she would not let me

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