Goose tried to mate with me.

Omg what a nasty little man!!! One of my girl geese tried to pull that on me the other week. I pulled her into a hug and she climbed up my shoulders and started trying to position on my back. I sat straight up and was like NOPE! NOT HAPPENING! These kids are so frickin gross!
Sorry but this made me laugh a lot, especially the bit about the gross little weiner 🤣 Luckily my geese haven't attempted this, but I rarely let my guard down around them. Mostly because of stories like this that I've read on here. Sorry to hear about your injuries, I have scars on my wrists from my geese, there claws, talons, nails whatever are so long and sharp that whenever I would get scratched from handling or when they were younger lap sitting, the scratches always got infected. Not cool. Be sure to clean them really well and use antibiotics ointment. I now always rock long sleeves when handling them just in case.
One of my girl geese tried to pull that on me the other week. I pulled her into a hug and she climbed up my shoulders and started trying to position on my back. I sat straight up and was like NOPE! NOT HAPPENING!
OK, to me that seems like this action is a statement of dominance by the female goose, and not just hormonal mating behavior. I have seen that type of mock mating behavior in other animals to show dominance, mostly dogs, but maybe geese do it too. Whether dominance behavior or hormones gone bad mating actions, it's bad behavior when it comes to the human interaction.
OK, to me that seems like this action is a statement of dominance by the female goose, and not just hormonal mating behavior. I have seen that type of mock mating behavior in other animals to show dominance, mostly dogs, but maybe geese do it too. Whether dominance behavior or hormones gone bad mating actions, it's bad behavior when it comes to the human interaction.

Maybe? I dont know. She was imprinted so she treats me like she does the other geese. Shes in a pen with 3 other girls with one of them acting as a gander (but is definitely a goose, bc I caught her laying an egg yesterday). Their hormones are flaring so without a gander I'm assuming they're just doing what they can with those urges lmao. Outside of mating season they've never tried anything like that on me, or each other that I've seen.
ok. something really messed up happened to me.
I'm outside doing a watering system, squatting down on the grass.
My male goose, Far, waddles up to me all curious. He hangs out, looming and nibbling at the water system pieces, wishing he had arms to help me with. Or so I thought...
After a while be begins trying to climb on me. He's done this before and I thought it was because he remembered being in my lap as a gosling. All of the sudden, he gets enough leverage and hops on my back, digging his claws into me and using his beak to grab the back of my hair for he does to his sister wife Fetched when they mate.
I am horrified, not really from the pain, but from the thought of his gross goose wiener being near me. I panic and start screaming for my husband who runs over in disbelief and grabs Far off me, throwing him over the fence into his enclosure.
I'm pretty shook. "He just tried to mate with me and I'm not even in water" I say.
My husband looks at me and says "what do u expect, he's a goose.
Too funny my male goose use to try that whenever I'm cleaning there pool and yell let's go swimming I will get in on a hot day when cleaned of course B4 they can do the goose thing and he did the same. Because geese mate in the water a lot of people not aware why geese attack them that's it. Like when fishing on the lake or floating in river etc., Them males are HORNEY. Good luck 😃
Maybe he thinks of u as one of his gals yeah best way is to show him dominance and never out your back to him at least ul know to be wary of him hope he didnt hurt u to much looks sore xx

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