Gordie's Chicken List Black and Blue Orps UPDATES!

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COOL! Get a pic of him will ya??????? I love to see what Gordie looks like!

Sorry, I only see a red X box on the Light Sussex.
seminolewind asks:
Can he just send females?

No, he can only send straight run because he does not know how to sex the chicks either.​
Sometimes you can ask if he has females but it would cost more and shipping costs will be much higher too. Its better for him to sell his chicks out and less cost to him to feed them out to find out what sex they are.

Sometimes in the fall, he will sell some of the older hens. Usually start at 15 dollars a piece and shipping is somewhere between 45 to 55 dollars.
Well he sent me pics of his frizzles and sadly I am not impressed with them. I can post pics of them here if you guys would like.

Please do post- but could you make the pic not too big so some of us with dinky computers can see? Thanks

realistically I wouldnt expect anybody with that many breeds selling that many birds to have them all top quality
I hope that made sense
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That I understand, but as you can tell by these pictures he should at least breed solid colors and not breed frizzles together. These birds are all pretty birds dont get me wrong but I think they could be a little more well bred, does that make sense?



I agree with you there-arent you supposed to breed straight feathered to frizzle feathered?edit:(O Duh thats what you are saying) Yeah I see
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Yes, but on the contrary, he might not be properlly educated on how to breed frizzles. And depending on the time of the piucs they might be moulting.

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