Gosling swimming lessons


Dec 9, 2019
We have 21 Chinese brown goslings. They are one week old. They have imprinted to my wife and a little to me. I've read that they are not supposed to start swimming till a couple weeks old. But. seriously, give them a really big tote with two inches of warm water they absolutely love it. We've done this twice so far. They can dive, splash run and float for about ten minutes then they start to get tired. My wife dries them carefully then back under the heat lamp to dry. Mostly they clean themselves. Yes, they poop alot in the water. It turn brown almost immediately. Anyone else ever have this experience? The tote is three feet long by two feet wide by two feet tall. Some of the goslings can kinda swim underwater the length of the tote. Good thing the tote is tall or it would be an absolute mess with all the splashing.
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In a couple days I'll take some pictures and video them playing in the water. And I'll take some pictures as soon as my wife makes their brooder look presentable.
Two weeks old first field trip

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