Goslings are dying .


Sep 21, 2017
This question is not in reference to me but a facebook friend. She ordered Goslings and has started to raise them, however she is telling me they are starting to die. She is stating they will drink water and pass away, making it seem like over hydration, however being waterfowl i would think this wouldn't happen? She stated to me they can only get their beaks in the container for water. Any ideas what could be causing this to happen?
from my understanding they are under heat. possibly into lungs not sure, but i guess its her goslings and turkeys this has happened to.
yeah i asked the same question about the water at first, but she has over 100 animals and they all use the same water no problem. Then figured maybe the person she got the goslings from, but she mentioned the turkeys were different breeder and not together. She also showed a pictures of the dish she started to use after the first started to die after drinking to much and it is a thin dish, just deep enough for a beak and that is all. So i am at a loss as to why they are dieing from just drinking normal water. Unless they are going too fast, but i would figure not all of them would do this. She has not lost any ducklings just the turkeys and goslings.
Are the goslings and turkeys in the same brooder? I believe I had read something a while back about turkeys needing their own space due to some type of bacteria in their system that could harm other fowl.

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