Got 2 turkeys today. Couple Questions.


12 Years
Nov 28, 2007
Abilene, TX
Got a bourbon Red, and a royal palm. I have no idea what sex they are. Here are my questions

1. If they are both male should I get rid of one.
2. About how old till they can go outside
3. Should I clip their wings when they get bigger? Or is that a chicken thing.
If they are both male there is no need to get rid of them. They will have fights occasionally or often to settle who is going to be the boss. Once that is settled they will get along fine.

If you have an outside brooder cage which keeps them off the ground, dry, out of the wind and warm you can move them out at a month. If you do not have a secure place to keep them outside and are planning to let them free range them you are looking at keeping them inside for 3 months.

If you are planning to free range them then do no clip their wings. That is their only means of escaping predators.

If they turn out to be male and female and breed here are pics of young poults that are Royal Palm/Bourbon Red crosses.



I, by no means am an expert but 2 males most likely will not get along too well.
I wouldn't put them outside until they are large enough to be predator safe. If they free range tho' they will always be vulnerable.
You can clip the wings if they have a tendancy to jump fences.
I have an adult male, he stays within the fenced area. I have 2 female poults that are 4 weeks old and are not outside as of yet.
Hope that helps some.
We have quite a few tom turkeys living in the same area and yes sometimes they will fight like struttin 1 said. If they are raised together they will fight less, just make sure they don't do any serious damage to each other and they will take care of the rest.

Ours don't see the outside world until they are anywhere from 2 1/2 to 4 + months old depending on the outside temp.

Normally we don't clip wings unless they just won't stay in their area.

Steve in NC
These are going to need to stay in 1 general area. The area is roughly 70x30 with 7 ft fence on 3 sides, and 4 ft fence on one side.
Predation is not a problem. If I take a couple pics I wonder if anyone could sex them. They are still pretty young like only1 week old.
I may take some pics later, and post them. Thanks for the info thus far.

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