Got fed up and finally made me a PVC feeder!!


9 Years
Jan 7, 2011
Crazyville, USA
Long story short. Chicks were going through two chick feeders a day in food. Went to Big R and bought really huge hanging feeder to put in big coop and used the smaller one from their coop in the chick coop. I filled that sucker all the way to the top last night and when I went to collect tonight it was EMPTY!!! Those rotten little boogers must have had a hayday playing in it. They have feed strewn all over the inside of the coop.

Went to Home Depot and bought all the stuff and within about 30 minutes I had me a big ole PVC feeder. We'll see how they like that!!!!!! And it cost me the same price as the big feeder which I am going to wash up and return to Big R!!!

I will try to take pics tomorrow and post!
Thanks for the reminder! The wife and duaghter are taking a road trip this weekend. Me and my son (12 yo) have a guys weekend planned and are going to build a spud cannon (check out Anyway that would be the perfect opportunity to build a pvc feeder since we will already have the extra material handy and be doing very similar work.
Been in your shoes! I built 4 PVC feeders and am so happy I did, little buggers can't waste the feed like the other feeders.

i made pvc feeders also, but have had NO LUCK! i did the exact same design as picutres above i dont know why mine dont work. im switching to pellets i got a bag yesterday so i will see how that goes this afternoon. im hoping with the pellets they wont be able to make such a mess and waste it as the mash. as far as the chicks go i need to get get a few more pie plates to set the chick feeders in to catch all the food they fling around. wastewastewaste!!!!

good luck tho i hope yours works! what size did you use for the chicks? maybe i could use my 2 inch ones i had tried before... hmm
my husband is planning on making something similar to this but on a smaller scale for our6 girls. Great idea!
I made one for my big chickens not the chicks but I think I will eventually make one for the chicks. The hanging style feeder still allows them to waste a lot and they are small enough they can roost on the top so I keep having to clean poo out of the feeder!! I am going to see how this one works for the bigger chickens and go from there. I think 2 inch would be plenty big enough for chicks!!
I was wondering if they can still be wasteful with this style of feeder. I have a homemade bucket feeder but they sure seem to be able to waste out of that. The price of feed keeps going up, gas goes up, but my pay check, not so much. Anyone have a no mess feeder?
My girls waste no food, I keep moving the feeders up higher as they grow so they have to reach in to get to the food, they can't sling out the crumbles nor can they perch on the feeder either. I have throughly enjoyed the PVC style feeders and the best thing is they transport easily and you can make as many as needed and put them along any wall so they take up very little space.

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