Got my coffee, a donut, and a happy song in my head....

I think I might need coffee, I have a song in my head, that may or may not be a happy one, and I think I've sworn off donuts.

I'm working on getting something I want from DH. He says I'm running a very good campaign. But he also says that he needs more time to consider. It's too early in the game to reveal my big wish list item, but lets just say that I'm going nuts inside my head til he gives me something definite.

Meanwhile, it's gone and snowed. Just when I thought MN had moved.

Also, my darling eldest is scheduled to turn 8 this week, which is making me feel old.

And in the midst of all of my insanity and aging I'm smiling in.... a semi-psychotic way ....but at least I'm smiling.
I am semi-psychotic too. Some people in the Breeds Cleanup page thought my breed analysis had to go. Well, the original page was cute, geared to be chatty and for beginners, a sharing of a story. But when changed into the official Breed Page format, it looked completely stupid and out of place. The people who didn't like it were correct. I would have said the same thing as they did.

Anyway, so I deleted it to save myself further embarrassment. I am having a NellaBeans Kill All People day (week)(month)(year).
I'm thinking that if my "Treats Chart" and "Coop & Run for 4 Hens" pages come under the same scrutiny, I'm going to be embarrassed by them as well. I wrote them as a beginner, for beginners, as a friendly thing. My mistake.
Add me to the semi-psychotic list.

I'm Day 3 on a diet. I quit dieting in September and gained back 10+ lbs, so I'm dieting again. I cut out all sugar and white carbs and I'm not happy. I've been a Mountain Dew addict for years and I quit cold turkey. Caffeine withdrawl stinks and I really wish I could have some chocolate!

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