Grand Fathered In...?


Mar 19, 2020
I have had emus as a pet for 20 years.... Before you were not allowed chickens in a residential area, but now they are allowed. I see now that Emus are considered "Livestock", but 20 years ago they were exotics. Do I have to get a lawyer to keep her? I don't want to open another can of worms by asking the "City"

Thank you...!!! I reside in Jacksonville, fl. and have an 8' privacy fence... Why do people have to be so mean spirited and cause trouble.... There should be a law against
Hello, UK here, you seem to be in same boat, there was a ban to keep emus here, but was lifted in 2007, cos they were wild and dangerous lol Govt..didn't do homework properly lol bought 6 eggs as soon as I saw eggs for sale. 3 hatched, 3 not fertile. They are now 13 and ,love them, the most friendliest and affectionate of animals I have ever had. Love cuddles daily.Enjoy yours too,
Hi Calla.... Thank you for your input. People can be so ignorant and have no idea what they're talking about. "Wild and dangerous" covers half the population of HUMANS.! My little girl comes when I call her and lays down beside me to be petted. For a bird indigenous to such an arid country, they sure love the water.... can't keep her out of it... lol Stay Safe
Hi Yvonne. You're right about ignorance, they can 't have a life..or an Emu lol There are more dangerous people this days, stabbing, shooting etc.
I so wish I had a pool big enough for them to swim. Both pairs have a 4ft rubber field trough for at least get their head and neck to soak and (feet ) lol they sure love water, As soon as I fill one, Jasmine cant wait and gets in still empty lol And when full she sits in and being rubber it's like a bath 6x3 to her, but sadly it split and no more water, repaired it 3x
will just do it one more time lol as we have more sunny weather coming.
Have a good weekend, stay safe. Calla.
I have a metal trough... So far it's lasted 4 years. Calliope won't let me water any plants unless I hose her down first. They are so funny and entertaining, I can't imagine not having one as a pet.... I tell my friends that stop by to visit, that she is trained to steal Gold and Silver, so leave the "Bling" at home. Speaking of sunny weather...It's 97` hear with a heat index of 108`.... I'm ready for another Ice Age!
Ice age lol come to think I have a very old 6 ft metal bath, but it's high up in a building, probably rusty and leaking, so won't bother. Must tell you this...I was picking apples in the orchard last year, where one pair of Emus live. I struggled to reach that apple but could not make, Jasmine stood right by me, as usual, always wants to she stood on her toes, grabbed that very apple, picked it and put it by my feet, what a clever girl ehhh.
She is such fun, they all are,
Wow...!!! you should have filmed that.... Put it on Funniest Animals and won some money ! I can just image that sight, how darn cute that must have been. I think we are the Lucky ones that can appreciate and Love different species of life.
It all happened so fast, yes such a joy that you can have so much pleasure with ....wild and dangerous .....animals lol but nothing surprises me with this lovely Emus, gate was open once, blown by wind, Jasmine spotted it and came to my front room, about 50 ft, she could have easily gone down the 200 ft drive to the road instead..... but no, she wanted to see me, bless her.


  • Emu Jasmine  sat.17 12. 16 .jpg
    Emu Jasmine sat.17 12. 16 .jpg
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