Granny's gone and done it again

well I tried but to pooped

make page 360

good night all, Sweet Dreams, Warm Fuzzies and prayers.

AND just to prove how out of it I was that was supposed to be 630 NOT 360 only took a couple pages in the 360's to realize the error of my ways. :he
there caught up.

SO fixed the issue with the 2 witches in the house next door. Told the "new' roommate/house mate she needed to be out by the 24th of this month (her rent is due that day) and offered her, her old place at the motel back. She took it. SEE NO KIDS from my loins BUT I do know how to "parent' fighting 5 year olds or those who act like it.
Holy cow Twist, thats a high electric bill!
Im painting, err... repainting over the stove. Looks better to me. I picked a sea foam green which is more blue then green so its still an accent wall but it blends better into the rest of the Torture chamber.

different color from the pic you posted ??

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