Granny's gone and done it again

Cool, did not know that. We'll see!

If they are hybrids, not heritage types, they won't breed true and may not produce at all. Is why you can't plant corn seed from corn you get at the grocery store. Everything's hybridized these days. Produce one crop and that's it. I suspect that's why we're all sick and dying of cancer, our food won't grow food any more. Lacks the "essence of life" our bodies need to survive and thrive. We're poisoning ourselves.
You are correct, that why so many people are sick nowadays.
Cool, did not know that. We'll see!

If they are hybrids, not heritage types, they won't breed true and may not produce at all. Is why you can't plant corn seed from corn you get at the grocery store. Everything's hybridized these days. Produce one crop and that's it. I suspect that's why we're all sick and dying of cancer, our food won't grow food any more. Lacks the "essence of life" our bodies need to survive and thrive. We're poisoning ourselves.
We've been keeping seeds and replanting them for the last three years. The beans seem to reproduce themselves so I guess we might have a heritage variety although we didn't purposely try to get a heritage variety. The originals were Jade green beans.
And now I am off - to bed!
See youns tomorrow. Oh! That reminds me! Was it in this thread there was discussion about how to pronounce "youns?"

It's two words: you ones. Mashed together. You'uns.
dont remember anything like that. Gnight

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