Granny's gone and done it again

Never have been in my entire life. I watched my dad die a painful death from lung cancer when I was 20. I had no intention of ever starting from a young age.

lung cancer runs on my mom’s side. My great aunt never smoked a day in her life but died of stage 4 lung cancer. She left an 11 year old son. Her story is actually pretty sad. She noticed her cough quite early on but when she went to get her lung checked out, the doctor switched up her files. The next time she went to get it checked it was stage 4. The only reason they know why the files were swapped is cause she sued the hospital. I cant remember how much they ended up getting, but for a life…not worth it at all. If the test results weren’t misplaced, she would’ve caught her cancer at stage 1. I couldn’t believe it at first when my mom told me. Imagine how different things could have been for so many lives.
I was so glad when several states outlawed smoking in public restaurants. My brother and I were always very sensitive to smoke. Restaurants fussed about losing business but the end result they gained business like never before. Second hand smoke is really first hand smoke. It's inhaling smoke that has not been through a filter. What's really sad is the millions that would like to stop but can't overcome the addiction of the cancerous drug in them. There are a lot of different chemicals being released when tobacco is burned. So years a go my wife and I had a small craft business at a nice flea market on the east coast of FL one weekends. There was a couple there lecturing us on the dangers of inert pillow fill materials that we used while they had those 100mm cigs hanging out their mouths. We didn't respond as you can't fix stupid.
All but one of Honey's eggs have hatched. I suspect it will not hatch until later today or tomorrow. There was one that was way behind the others when candled and it kept growing inside and now shows a fully ready to hatch chick in it. She really messed up by setting off and on early before she was done laying. The youngest to the oldest are going to be about a week apart. I need to look it up to be sure but it seems to be dragging on forever getting one a day to hatch now.

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