Granny's gone and done it again

yep I am
It rained 1 1/2 inches last night. Thank you Lord. Knee is worse this am from walking too far on it yesterday. Yes, Granny im taking Aleve. Thats the only thing cardiologist said to take. I fed the chickens yesterday before we left for hospital. They would starve if they waited for dh to feed them. They re eating fermented corn this am. They nearly kill each other trying to get the first ear. Someone asked about the cobs. No they dont eat the cobs. They do eat the shucks. Supposed to rain again today & tomorrow.
Hallelujah for rain! I wonder if the weather could be making your knee worse. I would have walked on nails to see my great grandchild.

She also stared in My Fair Lady opposite Rex Harrison (Dr Doolittle)
Roman Holiday is my favorite of hers. And Gregory Peck has nothing to do with it. Really!

Quote: I liked Trading Places (with Dan Aykroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis). One of hubs' favorites too.


Not exactly. Official winter is what I was asking. Winter solstice. My part of California doesn't really get 4 seasons. We have half cool and rainy and half warm and dry, unless there is a drought! Snow is a rare thing.
Not every winter has snow but EVERY SNOW is winter(?)

We have the same here 7 C is considered cold!
You can have early snow during the autumn or late spring snow. Winter is a time, snow is an event?

It's below 7 here right now. I want my blankie!! Winter was a time thst was decided by the EVENTS of snow in it, now it's begin and ends by a specific date in the Gregorian calendar, but winter was herea very long time before the Gregorian calendar invention. .......
I always think of ancient people who observed the sun's movements and celebrated both solstices and equinoxes. The awareness of the shortest, coldest day did not go unnoticed, and although it was not named until later, they marked the first day of winter, whether it was snowy or not.

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