Granny's gone and done it again

sorry I didn't mean to act like a cold shower or a Debbie downer
camping that's  POINT 47 acres   ie  .47  not even half an acre in I think in city limits    wonder what their chicken rules are.  

Yep, you're right. I must be thinking about a different one. I may or may not have looked at a few dozen today. :oops:

There was one in the same town with 4.7. That's how I got confused. And I'm not moving, just looking. I would think of a pretty state, google to find the city with the lowest crime rate, then look for homes for sale. :oops:
Quote: There was one in the same town with 4.7. That's how I got confused. And I'm not moving, just looking. I would think of a pretty state, google to find the city with the lowest crime rate, then look for homes for sale.

I get that I do that with house plans all the time. As I have my dream place now just need a dream home.
My dream place is right up the road. Sadly, it's not for sale..... And probably way too expensive.
(It has a bee-yotiful barn. And the fencing- Ooh la la! Electrobraid with wood posts)

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