Granny's gone and done it again

camping, that's what the guy did who I got my original Seramas.  He was up in the mountains, very cold temps, and no heat for them outside of the brooder.  He lost a lot, but the ones that survived were cold  hardy.

I don't like to lose them. :oops: I'm trying to decide what to do with the small coop. Drag to fresh grass? Leave as is and dump rocks in? Needs doors and waterproofing either way. Hoping if I can get part to stay dry then they won't need the lamp. Like a warm dog house. We'll see I guess.
Like black gum? That's the kind my great-grandma used to take her snuff.
no from a song Down la where black trees grow lives a voo-doo lady named mariah vole (Another man done gone)
Like black gum? That's the kind my great-grandma used to take her snuff. :lau

no from a song Down la where black trees grow lives a voo-doo lady named mariah vole (Another man done gone)

Marie Laveau. I had a chicken by that name.

Ha! I guess I do. Curious to know which they meant. Could still be him I guess. Maybe cypress. Or maybe it's a metaphor.

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