Granny's gone and done it again

i need stars address and i got a card from Jane and lost the envelope with her address on it..jane if you are on send me a message with your address...
Hi Danna! Prostar didn't give us her address. I sent you a pm a few days ago with all the names and addresses. I can send it again if you need.
Sorry to hear about your bp. Hope the Dr can figure it out and make you feel better. Glad your sister has someone to spend Christmas with. :hugs
Hi Danna! Prostar didn't give us her address. I sent you a pm a few days ago with all the names and addresses. I can send it again if you need.
Sorry to hear about your bp. Hope the Dr can figure it out and make you feel better. Glad your sister has someone to spend Christmas with. :hugs
i got the email thank you...i'm so happy she is here with me.we were always close..
wishing i'm old and get confused easy..why is your last name different on the addresses?
I got married later in life and didn't change my name, but I use hub's last name socially. I don't mind what people call me, as long as it's not a dirty word! :)

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