Granny's gone and done it again

I wrapped all of the Christmas presents i could find. A few always turn up later but seems it is a tradition any way.
Now to catch up on BYC, clean the litter box and hit the sack. I should probably get up early since it is Christmas. I will say good night and best wishes to all still awake in Grannyland and those of my friends already snoozing.
Slept for an hr. Robert woke me . I struggled to wake up . Everyone sounds like they are having a lovely time with good food.
DD came over for a coffee and to wish every one a merry Christmas. She had been back to the er with no help and was going home to try and fix some dinner . I gave her a container of potato salad we didnt open to try and loosen her load . I think everyone here is very blessed to have food on the table this Christmas and not want for anything. We may not get exactly what we want but we have what we need. I feel in my heart to say this , The children got one gift each from DCS and was told they would get more . They did, but from shop with a cop. They got $50.00 for each child that they were allowed to spend how they wanted. They picked out food for the most part. When DCS hear that they got to shop with a cop they decided they didnt need the other gifts . This made me mad for a min. But I realized those "other" gifts went to a child that didnt get to shop with a cop and I was ashamed. Then I talked to my step daughter and found that Toms GS, although he is 19 yrs. didnt get anything for the first time . I know that sounds old enough to not worry about but he is special needs . He is Not 19 mentally. I would ask for everyone that prays to please say a prayer for the children out there that are hurting or hungry this Christmas. @willzpapa is normally the one I would ask to lead us in prayer but since he is not here I would ask you to each say a silent prayer for the children or a moment of silence in respect to those who do.
Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me -
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Merry Christmas
Oh granny., beautiful video,
Prayers for all the children and people in need.
Well house is sort of back in order, on load of dishes to take out of dishwasher and the crock pot is just going to have to soak over night, Midnight Mass was wonderful. I finally have the house to myself. IT WAS A WONDERFUL DAY AND EVENING AND EARLY MORNING !!!!! I hope everyone's is as good as mine was.

Merry Christmas, Sweet dreams, Warm Fuzzies and Prayers for all.

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