Granny's gone and done it again

Up only once so far. She dribbled pee as I carried her to the door, she really needed to go! Jewel ran into the yard and started barking, then wouldn’t leave the porch so of course I was worried about coyotes. I stood out there for 20 minutes with no pants and a dangerously full bladder while Josie rolled around in the grass and chewed pine cones. Go inside, set her down while I potty (she’s staying in my bathroom for now) and she immediately poops a massive pile on the floor. :barnie BUT when she was finished, she went into her crate and laid down. :yesss:
sorry i haven't been on in awhile.Doc finally got my blood pressure under control but i'm so dizzy,i fell down the back steps yesterday,hurt my leg...i had a terrible UTI was in the er saturday.i was passing blood clots.on top off all that i have skin cancer.a place that came on my hand was removed last week,they called and told me it was cancerous and i have to go to kingsport a specialist,dread that..good news i been getting so many eggs,at least 20 a day and my easter lilies are blooming...hope everyone is ok here i have missed you all...

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