Granny's gone and done it again

this reminded you of me ?
It's because you are such a DEAR! :D
So happy to hear CB is coming for a visit. :weeGlad he feels comfortable to invite himself over!

Twist, fantastic deal on the oats. You really have quite the set up going there. (Next time, get some Curly Sue pics please. :love)

Cap, my back aches just thinking of everything you do all day. Was wondering how your CA quail are doing. If you ever have time, would love to see some pics. I saw a covy in the neighborhood this morning... a few males, 7-8 hens, and about a dozen adolescents. So great to see they did well this year. Too many cats roaming this neighborhood.

Pro, love the chick condo. That's a perfect set up. They can inspect each other! How is your Lorp looking?

Chris, long time no see! :frow

Hi everyone! I walked around a lot today. Yay. I even cooked dinner! I may have gone a bit too far there, but no major pain at this point. I'll take some advil later before bed. So I guess I'm almost back in action. No lifting heavy stuff for another week and no coop cleaning :( which really needs doing, poor chickens.

There was a hawk going after the laying hens yesterday. :hmm It swooped down on them twice. They screamed and ran under the redwood tree. Not sure if any actual contact was made. The mob is looking very motley lately. Molting up a storm and feathers are all over the yard. Not getting any eggs, except from the young Wellie and Spike. Everyone else is either molting, broody, or OLD.

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