Granny's gone and done it again

Hey everyone guess who...
Well just touching base not doing good
Pneumonia has now set in & the cancer is spreading like wild fire new course of treatment looking at 3-6 months possibly a year doubtful
Thank you for your prayers thoughts and sentiments:hugsIll keep in touch:hugs
Hey everyone guess who...
Well just touching base not doing good
Pneumonia has now set in & the cancer is spreading like wild fire new course of treatment looking at 3-6 months possibly a year doubtful
Thank you for your prayers thoughts and sentiments:hugsIll keep in touch:hugs
Hey misty, prayers for your family.
I went back to sleep in my chair til 4pm. Fried Tom a couple eggs and got ready to go out. I said I wouldnt much care if they all died. Careful what you wish for. 4 dead and one on the way. Light bulb. I brought the one in to stabilize her. Pretty sure she wont make it. Standing at the cage and Nugget decided to take a leap of faith . From a chair to the middle of my back. Somehow got my butt cheek too. Lots of blood because of the thinners I am on.
I went back to sleep in my chair til 4pm. Fried Tom a couple eggs and got ready to go out. I said I wouldnt much care if they all died. Careful what you wish for. 4 dead and one on the way. Light bulb. I brought the one in to stabilize her. Pretty sure she wont make it. Standing at the cage and Nugget decided to take a leap of faith . From a chair to the middle of my back. Somehow got my butt cheek too. Lots of blood because of the thinners I am on.
Adult chickens?

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