Granny's gone and done it again

around Rod's trailer makes Sanford and son look like a palace. :mad:
Where is all the junk??? I see only weeds.

Thank you and HOW can any one not like pie ???
Especially CHERRY pie!!

AND he did NOT, Evidently the 3/4 of the pie left after dinner he got to take home and didn't last until Noon the next day. :eek:
I could probably have made some of it last until the following day. Cherry pie is THE BEST.

funny, they (weather idiots) were NOT calling for rain. BUT it rained/sprinkled TWICE while I was out there today.
They were accurate here, it rained all day. But then it doesn't take a lot of training to figure out it will rain when a tropical storm comes through.

dodged a lazy boy recliner more then once that came flying across the room at me.
Must have been a BIG person, I don't think I could lift a recliner let alone throw it.

OMG I hope not and honestly don't think there is any out there. :fl I have enough issues with Yaks going legs up do NOT need another poisonous plant out there trying to do them in.

It’s not poisonous
Apparently it is to grazing animals

Looks like it only grows in the NW so I am safe.

Today is hard.
:hugs Pro Take it day by day
Talked to mom today, she sounded better. Still in the hospital. She ordered a plant for my birthday and it arrived today in excellent shape.

I was rejected from two jobs this week without even an interview. One I knew I wasn’t qualified for, and one I really had my heart set on. So I’m going to start working on my fall garden to help us with veggies. I’ve asked my neighborhood group what they plant. I’m tempted to try okra, squash, and tomatoes. We won’t have frost til mid November.
Talked to mom today, she sounded better. Still in the hospital. She ordered a plant for my birthday and it arrived today in excellent shape.

I was rejected from two jobs this week without even an interview. One I knew I wasn’t qualified for, and one I really had my heart set on. So I’m going to start working on my fall garden to help us with veggies. I’ve asked my neighborhood group what they plant. I’m tempted to try okra, squash, and tomatoes. We won’t have frost til mid November.
Hugs camping. Water district turned me down too.
Ps. Plant all the things!!!!

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