Granny's gone and done it again

I miss seeing the buckeyes around.

It was Painted Lady butterflies that were migrating. Seems to be a common thing for them. They are pretty with their wings up or out.


4:42 am. Waiting on the roosters to start the morning routine. I got about 7 hours of sleep and I feelllllllllllllll....................OK! Think I'll go in and see how many new feathers I have.. Seems that one baby sprouted tail feathers in a matter of hours since I check on them several times a day and didn't notice tail feathers in the afternoon. Lil buggers are like transformers!
I saw an episode of CSI where someone got tired of replacing his mailbox and put one up filled with cement. The stupid kid died when he whacked it and arm got wrenched out of moving car. Mailbox owner guilty of murder

you know I’ve been on a csi binge lately and just watched that one this weekend!

Well there is a thing called money.
yeah. Ugh.
What is straw law?
Straw purchase - buying a gun for someone else. Generally done when the one wanting the gun is a convicted felon or other person who can not legally buy a gun.

No bags packed. We had enough time to get out last time, including all the animals. Not sure if we would leave again. Was ridiculous how long it took to be allowed back into your own neighborhood that didn't even burn.
It can take longer to get out when it does. The coroners have a lot of burned out places to look through.

I can't go in a Yankee candle shop or I regret it
Oh yeah. I don't even think about going in one. Have to hold my breath to walk past the store if in the mall (which is a very rare occurrence) or past them in other stores. I can pass the Yankee Candle store in MA off I 91 without holding my breath though since I'm in my car ON I-91 ;)

You cant really blame the kids around here. I dont anyway. They are desperate for things to do.
There is NEVER EVER any excuse for destroying other's property "for fun".

He is also uncontrolled diabetic.
Uncontrolled by his own choices sadly.

Really so Austin people are not safe to drive?
I'm sure there are plenty of people in Austin who are not safe to drive, same as everywhere ;)

Is there a video game that could help him learn to drive?
Not at all the same thing!

Plenty of people live independently without driving. I don't know where you live, but are there buses? Transportation services, shuttles, taxis?
He'd have to move into a city center most likely. There he could walk to most places.

She liked to "earn her keep," she said, even at 90!
Good for her! My aunt's mother in Barcelona was still doing the dishes in her 90's. She told me, with a wink, her daughter wouldn't give her dinner if she didn't wash up after.

I dont get that.
The woman had PRIDE!!!!!!

world of tanks, halo but now mainly Red Dead Redemption 2
Have you gotten through the story line or just go around robbing banks and all?

I'm NOT a house wife either. I'll never be a house wife! 'm not married to a stinkin' house! I'm HIS wife. What I am is a home maker.

you might also "ENJOY" it more IF you had more appreciative eaters.
That does help.

thats true but maybe I am a horrible cook?
Or maybe Tom and Robert are picky ask eaters.

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