Granny's gone and done it again

I'm wondering if I have a later in the day layer.. Got groceries earlier, then came home and put away frozen stuff. Then out to feed the kids their morning mush.. Like they don't have a steady supply of food on hand, whatever is in the treat tray/bowl is bestest! Henri was hollaring his head off as though to say.. Well? They have finally settled down. Sweetpea has laid her 8th egg in 8 consecutive day, still only 1 in the hen house where Bruiser and his gals are. Sweetpea is only sitting on the eggs when it cools off. Guess she can't be bothered when it's over 80 degrees.
I did manage to find one short in the car.. I pulled the fuse to the radio, but now notice the battery operated door unlocker on my key chain did nothing, and when I opened the door with the key, the alarm system didn't go off. Also windshield wipers aren't working.. Back to the drawing board.
Every time we move we say it will be the last time. We lived in Nova Scotia, Florida, Tennessee and now Virginia.
Let's see.. Born in Ohio, went to Saltillo Mx as an exchange student, from there to Phoenix to graduate.. TX for basic, then to Presidio of Monterrey for language school, then to MacDill in Tampa, from there to Valdosta, to Ohio, to Alabama, to Hill AFB in Utah, back to GA.. back to AL.. then to Florida (Ocala, Daytona, Naples) then to Spain, then back to FL (N Miami Bish, Hallandale, Hollywood) Then to Oregon, back to AL (Seminole, and now here). I HOPE I'M DONE MOVING!
I'm wondering if I have a later in the day layer.. Got groceries earlier, then came home and put away frozen stuff. Then out to feed the kids their morning mush.. Like they don't have a steady supply of food on hand, whatever is in the treat tray/bowl is bestest! Henri was hollaring his head off as though to say.. Well? They have finally settled down. Sweetpea has laid her 8th egg in 8 consecutive day, still only 1 in the hen house where Bruiser and his gals are. Sweetpea is only sitting on the eggs when it cools off. Guess she can't be bothered when it's over 80 degrees.
I did manage to find one short in the car.. I pulled the fuse to the radio, but now notice the battery operated door unlocker on my key chain did nothing, and when I opened the door with the key, the alarm system didn't go off. Also windshield wipers aren't working.. Back to the drawing board.
It’s amazing all the unrelated stuff they tie in together in fuses.
I celebrated cooler temps by working in the flower beds. The coneflowers and eucalyptus had gotten very dry, so I’m hoping they bounce back. I added them to the bed along with one coreopsis. Then I ran out of soil.
Back from grocery shopping, lunch done, caught up one more day, now out to weap DD1's tires.

The best pay back would be to make a purchase at another store. Robert didn't get his way, but it did point out a problem you were not aware of.
Why is there any need for payback? The store is only enforcing federal rules. To do otherwise is to risk losing their license to sell guns.

'm sure they would have been most happy if there wasn't the address discrepancy in the first place. I suspect they don't sell a lot of $800 guns each month. Nice income for them and the less hassle the better.

Bottom left.
That is just NOT acceptable! Still glad I moved from So. Cal 41 years ago.

Part of the straw law says you can gift a gun to a family member as long as you know they arent criminals.
BUT you have to buy it in YOUR name with YOUR background check, then you can gift it to a relative.

He will find bullets somewhere.
I'm pretty sure you can get bullets online. I see that you found them elsewhere. Odd that the store doesn't carry them, isn't 9mm a pretty standard round?

That IDIOT census person was back again harassing guests. and then putting stickers on rooms I rent by the night and the maids room door.

Can you ban them from your property ????
That is pretty bizarre given the census is VERY specific to where you lived ON April 1. DD1 was in Canada so she doesn't get counted at all.

You are gonna be in BIG trouble TWIST!!!!

We are looking at getting it shipped up there, but it's very expensive. Got to work on a Plan B.
Easy! You drive the motorcycle up there, DH follows in the car and brings you home :D

Most summers we usually only have a week of really hot weather and it usually cools off at night quite a bit. The expense and bother setting up and storing an AC unit just isn't worth it.
Plus they don't work during rolling blackouts when everyone else has their A/C on.
Big temperature/power problems in a lot of Cal now :(
My Nancy called. Wants to go eat chinese food. All you can eat. I think I will take her up on that.
At our place or somewhere new? 🥡

Like slimy, slightly fishy chicken. You eat them battered and fried like chicken legs.
ew. Well, you talked me out of it! :D

Actually I talked to my friend who also grew up here. She said they had bullfrogs all over at her place when we were kids. They used to play with them and looked for the tadpoles every spring in the cow trough. That is about a half mile from where I live now. I grew up at a little higher elevation with not many year round ponds, so no bullfrogs I guess.

Soon as I finish watering, Mugsey is going to a good sized pond in a city park where I have seen big frogs before. Could only be them... so she will have company.

Don’t they use the bull frogs up in the frog jumping contest in Twain Harte.?
Probably :idunno The CA herps guide says they are in just about every permanent pond or lake in the state... so what's one more?

Same genus, different species. Very similar looking. The CA herps guide did not list them as being in the state.
Back from grocery shopping, lunch done, caught up one more day, now out to weap DD1's tires.

Why is there any need for payback? The store is only enforcing federal rules. To do otherwise is to risk losing their license to sell guns.

'm sure they would have been most happy if there wasn't the address discrepancy in the first place. I suspect they don't sell a lot of $800 guns each month. Nice income for them and the less hassle the better.

That is just NOT acceptable! Still glad I moved from So. Cal 41 years ago.

BUT you have to buy it in YOUR name with YOUR background check, then you can gift it to a relative.

I'm pretty sure you can get bullets online. I see that you found them elsewhere. Odd that the store doesn't carry them, isn't 9mm a pretty standard round?

That is pretty bizarre given the census is VERY specific to where you lived ON April 1. DD1 was in Canada so she doesn't get counted at all.

You are gonna be in BIG trouble TWIST!!!!

Easy! You drive the motorcycle up there, DH follows in the car and brings you home :D

Plus they don't work during rolling blackouts when everyone else has their A/C on.
Big temperature/power problems in a lot of Cal now :(
And other issues relating to the rolling blackouts. They’re putting the blame on the rolling blackouts that there’s now a massive concrete shortage. Why? Cause they haven’t been able to produce the cement. We were supposed to have a ‘UGE pour today. That didn’t happen. They told us yesterday morning they couldn’t provide. Our guesstimators were calling any and all ready mix providers in the area. Nope. Same story. So, scramble time.

census was bs. All they wanted to know was our race/background. That was it.
Easy! You drive the motorcycle up there, DH follows in the car and brings you home :D
yeah, no... 6 months minimum to get a class M license

Actually hubs was considering riding it up with a friend who goes touring a lot. Hubs would fly home, friend would ride home or go off on some other adventure. Problem is a touring bike can go about 400 miles between fill ups. The kid's bike is not a touring bike and can only go about 120.
16 hr trip... hubs came to his senses.

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