Granny's gone and done it again

I came back to tell y'all that my sick hen died. I wasn't able to get her any Monistat until today and after I gave her some, shortly afterward, she convulsed and died. Although she had not eaten for a couple of days her crop was kind of full, soft and doughy, so maybe she couldn't swallow it. I don't know. Anyway. She was in pretty bad shape when I discovered her so ... no surprise, I guess. I just hope I didn't kill her. Anyway. Good night again.
Sorry Blue, chickens can be very hard to care for sometimes.
I loved my guineas. I loved my whole farm.

We had a guest visiting from England and she visited the farm with the kids. They came back with a chick screaming in her hands; I had a muscovy sitting on eggs and a guinea had snuck in a few. Keets don’t stay in the nest when they hatch, they jump out and run until they find the rest of the flock. So for a few days I had to watch out for stray keets roaming around.

I gave my keets to banty cochins to raise. Thor mothering instincts were so strong that they were taking care of the other chicks in the brooder. They were so small and my brooder was nice and big, so I left them in there for months to raise my chicks.


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