Granny's gone and done it again

I lost a brother in law this morning. He's the brother of my husband that I lost last year. It hit hard. He's had cancer. I remember last year he said it seemed that there was a race between husband..his brother. He almost made it a year exactly later. He fought so hard for his wife and family. So much death lately for me. I will be burying my sister this Thursday. I hope my brother in laws funeral isn't on Thursday. I really need to make it there for family. Family that I used to see more often when my husband was here. I'll take some prayers. 💗
I lost a brother in law this morning. He's the brother of my husband that I lost last year. It hit hard. He's had cancer. I remember last year he said it seemed that there was a race between husband..his brother. He almost made it a year exactly later. He fought so hard for his wife and family. So much death lately for me. I will be burying my sister this Thursday. I hope my brother in laws funeral isn't on Thursday. I really need to make it there for family. Family that I used to see more often when my husband was here. I'll take some prayers. 💗
Oh no. That’s awful! 😔 I will be praying for you and his family.
I lost a brother in law this morning. He's the brother of my husband that I lost last year. It hit hard. He's had cancer. I remember last year he said it seemed that there was a race between husband..his brother. He almost made it a year exactly later. He fought so hard for his wife and family. So much death lately for me. I will be burying my sister this Thursday. I hope my brother in laws funeral isn't on Thursday. I really need to make it there for family. Family that I used to see more often when my husband was here. I'll take some prayers. 💗
So sorry for all your losses. I never had someone really close to me die until my Dad. Then My favorite Aunt, and then my Mother. Really hit me hard. Hugs to you my friend!
No, just showed my son the name. He said same thing as me, ok. 😁

Tradescantia. I think it’s tradescantia zebrina, actually. There are multiple types. I’m in a few houseplant groups on Facebook and calling that plant by the common name is against the rules.

But I don’t think it matters here. And yes, they’re super easy to keep and propagate.

I think nasturtium blossoms are edible too. And carnations.

Nasturtiums taste peppery.
Cynthia oh my goodness. Huge huge huge huge hugs. All the hugs. And all the good vibes, strength and all that.

No way can I catch up…I have to stop disappearing for weeks on end. Hope everyone is well… 0595A078-4493-49AE-ADF0-D9A81BF86F79.jpeg
We eat violets, redbuds, dandelion, alfalfa and clover flowers. If you allow radish plants to go to seed you can eat those flowers for a bit of spice in salads.
Do you dry them and make infusions. I make nettle, red clover, oat straw comfrey and linden infusions.

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