Granny's gone and done it again


Future apples and Pi.
Puppy update?
well she made it thru the night which surprises me. I took her out to pee at 7 and she didnt make it . She peed at the back door and it smelled so bad. I tried to give her water and not too much went in. I just tried MY bone broth and I didnt have to force it. I still used the sringe but her tongue was lapping as it went in so she enjoyed it. She hasnt been off the couch since 7.
Granny I'm sorry that you're experiencing so many drawbacks with the dogs/puppies you've been trying to get for Robert.

I mostly just sit here and read, I do have a question though. Why is it that in a lot of people's minds, there seems to be a necessity to give a dog medication for every little thing that seems to be off with them.

We very seldom, emphasis on very and seldom, need to use meds at all. Is it a cultural mindset, regional, traditional?
Just because people need medications for every little thing doesn't mean dogs do.

It seems pretty obvious to me the puppy got sick from the shots and medications. I'm a practical kinda fella and have never had the experience of a puppy having so many issues. Along with being practical we also tend to avoid all shots that are not lawfully neccessary. I certainly consider myself a responsible pet owner, responsible also meaning that I do my research before I allow just any shot to be injected unto my pups/pets. I don't blindly trust the veterinarian, they have been schooled to believe whatever the medication producers want them to believe. A responsible veterinarian will also do research and will only use medications that won't make problems worse. Our pets are happy and healthy, their coats are shiny and slick and their bodies are in great condition.

With all of what I just wrote here, we do keep a number of more natural type of health helps on hand and do use them on occasion. If any of those seem to cause a negative reaction for that specific animal we note it and don't use it again. For instance, we use a type of garlic powder specifically made for dogs in our dog food as a deterrent against ticks. It helps but usually is only about 95% effective. A healthy dog's body will be able fight off a menagerie of things against it. We are very much for healthy pets, health being of utmost importance for all of our animals. To us, good health also means as few medications as possible.

If I had to keep up with all the suggested stuff that seems to be popular as a pet owner I wonder if I would even want to keep a pet.

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