Granny's gone and done it again

You don't have a doggy door? Man I quit playing doorman to my animals ages ago. We have two doors, one that leads to the back porch and then one that goes from the back porch to outside. So cold air doesn't blow straight in the house.
I was very close to getting one for Goose at the old house - even one that would fit in with the slider patio door.

But with this rain we’ve been having and the muddy ness of miss Kira…nope. Never happening.
Have you heard from the house you wanted to buy?
Yeah we’re in escrow. Long closing time cause they got to evict creepy tenant sooo…early July?
They make plenty of money. Do you follow the stock market? They made so much of the Covid vaccine that the government paid for.
Oh yeah. Vaccine and the meds.
I was very close to getting one for Goose at the old house - even one that would fit in with the slider patio door.

But with this rain we’ve been having and the muddy ness of miss Kira…nope. Never happening.

Yeah we’re in escrow. Long closing time cause they got to evict creepy tenant sooo…early July?

Oh yeah. Vaccine and the meds.
Wow that is a long escrow.

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