Granny's gone and done it again

No, my WM has it, it comes in a twelvepack, four flavors. When I first started drinking it I would put in a packet of Truvia because it is so lightly flavored, but now I am drinking it, er, straight. Plain.
Is it water or soda?
I'm thinking about putting this house back on the deep well if it tests ok. Still have to pay the minimum for the municipal water they pipe out here. Not found of it but it isn't really bad either. Makes good tea. I just grew up drinking a lot of well water and really like it better than the treated stuff they pipe to most everyone.
We have well water but it's our only option.
It is a good option most of the time. There are areas where the wells got polluted with the stuff they put in gasoline to make it burn cleaner. When the underground storage tanks leaked it separated from the gasoline and went down into the aquifer. Messed the water up so bad people couldn't bathe in it.
Do you know what areas thst happened in?
I know that it happened down in the SE US for one but where all else I do not know. It was a federal mandated compound they put in the gas. Don't remember what it was. I think it was 25-30 years ago. Google might have a better memory than mine.
I wondered because when I first moved to NW NM in 1975 or so, I had friends who could not use the water in their MH, it stunk so bad. They could not shower, do laundry or anything else. I think it smelled of sulfur and there were a lot of natural gas and oil wells in the area.

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