grannys gone and done it

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I still had chick feed for the babies, but I was out of layer. I'm trying flock raiser now. Our intern picked some up this morning. I have an oyster shell dispenser next to the feeder.
I loaded the bator today. Afraid to admit how many. All speckled sussex, and a handful of orpington and white layer eggs.

My marans laid today, first egg since going broody. Guess she's officially finished.

I took a chick from the brooder today and put it in the yard with the wild babies. It didn't exactly fit right in, but the foster mom accepted it right away. If it does well I may add another. They're just so much better when the flock raises them, I can already tell.
well, now you gotta tell. !!! My seramas laid today ! both of them. The eggs havent even hatched yet. changed their cages, moved them , no nest and there they go already. So of course i ran and got the nests and gave it to them.
The white layer is definitely fostering those chicks. At least two chicks under her in the nest. A third perched on the edge of the box, under a sussex hen. A fourth in the broody box, not under the broody. Just by itself. I didn't see the fifth, but one has been sleeping on the roost so I hope that's where it is.
The white layer is definitely fostering those chicks. At least two chicks under her in the nest. A third perched on the edge of the box, under a sussex hen. A fourth in the broody box, not under the broody. Just by itself. I didn't see the fifth, but one has been sleeping on the roost so I hope that's where it is.

That's so cute. I love seeing all of the pictures of the broodies and their babes on this site! So adorable.
I'm starting to plan boy #3's birthday party. He is turning 4, going on 14. He is so funny and has an attitude that would rival any diva. He wants a superman party, luckily oriental trading company has a ton of cute stuff with that theme! :)
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