grannys gone and done it

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no, I didnt give her a name. I have been sitting out there watching her and she is keeping a close eye on me as well. chickens dont do that. I mean , she is like really watching every move i made. All the chickens are ignoring her except a tiny seebright hen. she is flaring her tail and wings at her. I think she may be thinking of going broody. I took an old loaf of wheat bread out there and she acted starved for it. must of ate 2-3 pcs. her legs are very orange.
she also sits very low to the ground. looks like her bottom is full of eggs.. On a sad note , the serama didnt make it. I really didnt think it would. way too long of a sit. and then cold to warm , turned wrong. didnt have a lot going for it. I have no idea about the rest of the eggs but i would think they would all be the same.
no, I didnt give her a name. I have been sitting out there watching her and she is keeping a close eye on me as well. chickens dont do that. I mean , she is like really watching every move i made. All the chickens are ignoring her except a tiny seebright hen. she is flaring her tail and wings at her. I think she may be thinking of going broody. I took an old loaf of wheat bread out there and she acted starved for it. must of ate 2-3 pcs. her legs are very orange.

OMG granny girl, you've really went and did it this time ~ a duck? Are you going quackers on us now lol. Thought I wanted some last year, but have since changed my mind. My niece has ducks and they're pretty messy HaHa. Here's to hoping that your little lady will be a doll
At least this next spring you won't have to fill in the water holes in the chicken run with wood shavings. Your duck will love them! What is a JG by the way? I'm terrible with all those chicken abviations. Sorry about your little Serama baby
GOOD MORNING ALL    Busy day yesterday.  Got the chicks all settled.  Here's what I ended up with,   15 silver laced Wyandotte roos  and 26 pullets (1 extra)  26 australorp pullets (1 extra)  11 light brahma pullets ( 1 extra) and 25 cinnamon queen pullets.  Total 103 chicks.   Not 1 doa and all doing nicely.  LOVE LOVE LOVE Cackle hatchery.  Nothing like using pullets for packing peanuts.     Have never had a hybrid chick before.  Those cinnamon queens sure are loud and make very strange noises.  Everyone running around eating each others toes.  
Got that room paneled now just have to get the molding up and paint.  Nephew gone for a while off to see parental units or in my brothers case eunich  yeppers he has been caponized.:lau     So as I am taking chicks out of box dipping/dunking heads into water and making sure they drink on their own I look down to discover 2 chicks on my shoe and 2 other one surround my ankles and checking to see if socks/flesh tastes good.  They ar eso funny have no breaks go full bore until they trip or run into something and then take off in the rebound direction.  Thirsty little bugger this batch was  by the time the last one was dringing they had gone thru over 1/2 gallon of water.  I have 4 -1 gallon waterers  with cider vinegar in the water and 4 1 gallon feeders.  NO ONE goes hungry at my place. 

Granny......... my buddy is doing good.  They did take half of his one foot.  So we voted and are going to have him help tamp dirt around the fence poles as he now has a built in tamper.  Also informed him next time he put himself into a sugar daze/stupidity  not know what is up we are going to take him and have just ONE toe nail tattooed on his stub.   Also now if he has one foot in the grave that means he is dead.:lau    His stub/nub looks like a old time squeeze chain purse.   They took the foot about the ball of the foot but didn't attach the bone to anything or to each other  uffda!!! 

Good news everyone  (in best Professor Farnsworth voice - from Futurama)  BCY seems to be working at the moment.  I am able to type along at a regular speed.

Beth seems to have a fascination with one of my rugs and insisted on folding/rolling/dragging it around plus shredding it .  First time was scolded,  second time swatted 2x, third time between 6 to 10 swats.   Fourth time rug put in her mouth and rolled her up in it before the beating commenced.  Also started eating/tearing off the wallpaper by the front desk.   All this on Thursday.   There is also no eating a popcicle  in front of her turns in to the tasimain devil trying to get some.  Ice cubes are also a great treat for her.

Well that all the news that fit to print.   Good luck with the backwards chick and at the swaps.

:woot woot twisted, that's a bunch of chicks. What will you do with all the SLW roosters? I thought I was cuckoo with 24 adult birds, 15 assorted aged chicks & 48 fertile eggs in the bator due to hatch on Mother's Day Lol. Just kidding on the cuckoo part, I actually am light this year. Last spring at this time I had 78 baby chicks plus 11 adults. The things we do to stay busy lol.
OMG granny girl, you've really went and did it this time ~ a duck? Are you going quackers on us now lol. Thought I wanted some last year, but have since changed my mind. My niece has ducks and they're pretty messy HaHa. Here's to hoping that your little lady will be a doll
At least this next spring you won't have to fill in the water holes in the chicken run with wood shavings. Your duck will love them! What is a JG by the way? I'm terrible with all those chicken abviations. Sorry about your little Serama baby
i have been quackers for many years ! LOL I dont know how they are messy? their poop ? JG is jersey giant thanks
GOOD MORNING ALL    Busy day yesterday.  Got the chicks all settled.  Here's what I ended up with,   15 silver laced Wyandotte roos  and 26 pullets (1 extra)  26 australorp pullets (1 extra)  11 light brahma pullets ( 1 extra) and 25 cinnamon queen pullets.  Total 103 chicks.   Not 1 doa and all doing nicely.  LOVE LOVE LOVE Cackle hatchery.  Nothing like using pullets for packing peanuts.     Have never had a hybrid chick before.  Those cinnamon queens sure are loud and make very strange noises.  Everyone running around eating each others toes.  
Got that room paneled now just have to get the molding up and paint.  Nephew gone for a while off to see parental units or in my brothers case eunich  yeppers he has been caponized.:lau     So as I am taking chicks out of box dipping/dunking heads into water and making sure they drink on their own I look down to discover 2 chicks on my shoe and 2 other one surround my ankles and checking to see if socks/flesh tastes good.  They ar eso funny have no breaks go full bore until they trip or run into something and then take off in the rebound direction.  Thirsty little bugger this batch was  by the time the last one was dringing they had gone thru over 1/2 gallon of water.  I have 4 -1 gallon waterers  with cider vinegar in the water and 4 1 gallon feeders.  NO ONE goes hungry at my place. 

Granny......... my buddy is doing good.  They did take half of his one foot.  So we voted and are going to have him help tamp dirt around the fence poles as he now has a built in tamper.  Also informed him next time he put himself into a sugar daze/stupidity  not know what is up we are going to take him and have just ONE toe nail tattooed on his stub.   Also now if he has one foot in the grave that means he is dead.:lau    His stub/nub looks like a old time squeeze chain purse.   They took the foot about the ball of the foot but didn't attach the bone to anything or to each other  uffda!!! 

Good news everyone  (in best Professor Farnsworth voice - from Futurama)  BCY seems to be working at the moment.  I am able to type along at a regular speed.

Beth seems to have a fascination with one of my rugs and insisted on folding/rolling/dragging it around plus shredding it .  First time was scolded,  second time swatted 2x, third time between 6 to 10 swats.   Fourth time rug put in her mouth and rolled her up in it before the beating commenced.  Also started eating/tearing off the wallpaper by the front desk.   All this on Thursday.   There is also no eating a popcicle  in front of her turns in to the tasimain devil trying to get some.  Ice cubes are also a great treat for her.

Well that all the news that fit to print.   Good luck with the backwards chick and at the swaps.

Holy wow!! You've got a lot going on, and now all those babies!! What am I saying... if I had the space I would probably have 400 chickens. :D
Granny I'm sorry about the baby. :( i would love to start hatching but I know I would be addicted, and I'm not sure I could cull chicks even if they needed it. Maybe if I had to I would find that I could, though. Yay for a duck, how fun! I love the idea of ducks but I don't know if they are for me. I do love them though. :)
Actually @twisted-acres-farm (and anyone else, obviously!!) I could use your input on my light brahma, since you've had a lot of those before, and anyone else for that matter! I didn't have any roo suspicions until a week or so ago but now I am questioning the gender on mine. It flies and postures at everyone these days, all day long. Is kind of a loner. Head feathers are finally just starting to come in at almost 5 weeks. Here are some photos that I took (and I did post them in the gender forum, but wanted to post them here too). These are from Tuesday at exactly 4 weeks old, I can take some new ones but there isn't much change. Opinions? Pea comb has 3 rows instead of 1. :/ This is Lightening Speed...



Showing the tail shape... it does have a good sized tail and not just a fluffy ball...


Also tried to get one of the legs but you can't really see them in any photos. Legs are definitely thick. But it's a large breed, so maybe this is normal?? Any and all opinions welcome. :)
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I have been sitting here waiting for a good dark so i could go check the others. I fell asleep for just a min. with this thing on my leg. My leg is hot . hahaa anyway, went to go look and without a sound a couple of them have the external pip. they have to be close to 30 days. others are still moving. I will probably wake up to a couple of them.
NOW I dont want to count my chickens. looking for splay leg and i suck at fixing that.
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