grannys gone and done it

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I have been sitting here waiting for a good dark so i could go check the others. I fell asleep for just a min. with this thing on my leg. My leg is hot . hahaa  anyway, went to go look and without a sound a couple of them have the external pip.  they have to be close to 30 days. others are still moving. I will probably wake up to a couple of them.:th NOW I dont want to count my chickens.  looking for splay leg and i suck at fixing that.  

Wow, 30 days??? :O That is crazy!! I so wish you could post pictures of your babies!I hope they all come out okay...
I am guessing on the time. mama sit them longer then she should and gave up then i got them a couple days ago. the chick is very cute. full of spunk at that age they like to play so its hard to tell now based on actions. I will guess rooster and i am always wrong so maybe you got a hen there.
really starting to make me mad over the pictures. I need someone to show me a simple camera to use then an easy upload or whatever its called. I want to show my babys off !!!
I am guessing on the time. mama sit them longer then she should and gave up then i got them a couple days ago.   the chick is very cute. full of spunk at that age they like to play so its hard to tell now based on actions. I will guess rooster and i am always wrong so maybe you got a hen there. :fl

Lol!! Well fingers crossed, then. ;) That's like me guessing the genders of my friends (human) babies, I always tell them that if my guess is boy it will for sure be a girl. I'm always wrong, lol.

really starting to make me mad over the pictures. I need someone to show me a simple camera to use then an easy upload or whatever its called. I want to show my babys off !!!

Does your phone have a camera? If so we might be able to walk you through that! :)
ahh, my cell does have a camera. but, I havent put min. on it for a long time. wal-mart thing. 50 million people do pictures first try. I cant even do one ?
off to bed ! fall asleep to the sound of chicks hatching maybe. night all....
Twisted, Beth sounds like tons of fun..
one serama out AND DOING GOOD . one more trying to. its yelling . grocery store today.
I have no idea what to buy except junk. I really suck at being a house wife. Last time i enjoyed buying a lb. of hamburger it was .99 cents a lb. How many times in one persons life can you eat speggitti ? shoot i cant even spell it. and why am i fat? everyone says, aww, your not fat or , your big boned. People , I have seen my bones on xray ! they are not big. I am fat and no bones can change that. LOL My fault ? probably not . hormone issues keep me from losing weight BUT, they didnt put those directions on my box. point being , my feet are giving me crap. i cant walk when i first get up. later in the day it gets easier . and it seems like i have not had enough coffee this morning because i have no idea why i am posting this. LOL frustration maybe.
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