grannys gone and done it

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Looks like i may have bought another one of a kind. LOL   went to my drs. there is an auction place next door to it. sitting there is a humongous cement statue of cupped hands almost praying hands but open. cupped maybe . anyway a man came out and knowing i wouldnt be able to afford something like that i asked anyway.  20 bucks !! 2 strong men had a very hard time getting it in the van and it went down a long way. 2 strong men unloaded it but then couldnt move it. it is between 500-700 lbs. 
:woot woot ~ granny went and done it again ~ in a REALLY big way!
You are going to run out of things to outdo yourself with pretty soon lol.
Congrats on the statue granny! Sorry about the garage, lady. Good thing you caught it in time!

My broody got off her nest yesterday, and I wasn't home to put her back. I also didn't collect eggs. Today she's on a different nest. Do I have to throw away all the eggs from both boxes now? Or just put her back in her own nest? She's leaving next Wednesday, a full week shy of hatching, so I wasn't really expecting those eggs.

Anyway, I guess I'll try putting her back.
I would of been right under that bush with the dog ! how scary and brave . outdo myself hmm... I will come up with something hahaa as far as laying the statue down , I could but it has a base on it that would stick up. it would probably hold (im guessing) 15 gallons of water. right now i have it standing towards the top of the road. since the hands are cupped i was thinking of a world globe in them maybe? flowers behind the hands ? not sure , just kicking some ideas around. Sat baby in there yesterday. soo cute ! Friend bought me a rooster flower pot with an orange lily in it yesterday. mothers day gift. she had my son give it to me. It is very hot here today. gonna hide out
camping, put her back and get rid of the new eggs. they should be fine if delayed in the hatch for a day maybe.
Let my broody hen off the nest for the last time until hatch. She is on day 19 at 6 pm. She has been so focused that I removed her from the nest once a day to eat, drink, dust bath & poop. She stays out about 20 mins then back to the nest she goes. I'm suppecting she is going to be a awesome momma
Hi everyone, hope everyone had a enjoyable day. Quick question, I have my first broody hen on day 18 today. I have been removing her from the nest one time a day each of the 18 days. Is she now into lockdown like incubator eggs? Am I not to remove her from the nest now? It makes sense to me, but thought I had better ask since I have never had a broody on eggs. Thank you in advance for your help.

On a more serious note, had my back garage out by the coops catch fire today. I have been painting & staining the new silkie coop the past couple days. I had finished up late last evening on the outside staining of the exterior. I had put the paper towel that I had wiped up some spills with and the ones I had dried the paint brush with after cleaning it with paint thinner in the trash can I keep in my back storage area of the garage. Usually I take the paper towel out to my camp fire pit and burn them for safety, but we are severely dry right now with a burning ban so I didn't burn them. I started my day by doing the chores and collecting eggs. The back garage is cool when the door is shut so I usually place my egg carton in there until all the eggs are collected for the day. Well when I went into the garage to get feed & to put the eggs in there I could smell the stain from the paper towel in the trash. I proceeded to move the garbage can just outside the door because I was planning on painting the inside of the coop after I got another coat of paint on the coop door I had in our attached garage. And I knew I would have garbage to throw in it cuz I'm a messy painter. I headed back to the house and started painting the coop door. I had opened both garage doors & the back door for ventilation. I was painting along when I started hearing some crackling noise. It was extremely windy outside and I thought hmm... That's an odd noise almost like someone plastic shopping bag blew into the yard and got caught on my short fence I have just outside the backdoor and was flapping in the wind. As I continued to paint the crackling popping noise grew louder, I decided to check it out. As I stepped out my back door the first thing I see is billowing black smoke & flames climbing over the top of the steel roof of my back garage. I immediately ran into the house & called the Fire Department, then my hubby. Then I ran to the back yard, grabbed the garden hose and started trying to put out the fire on the side of the garage. The wind is just fueling the fire, it has burned thru the exterior wall and got into the interior rafters. Then it dawned on me, holy sh*t I have 2 containers of paint thinner on the counter top below the fire. All I can think is if this fire gets to that stuff there will be a explosion. I moved myself in front of the garage door and started spraying the fire that was rolling in in 2 spots, but trying to stay as protected as possible if it should explode. Each time I focused my water on one area the other raged, still no fire department. Luckily my neighbor arrived with a huge fire extinguisher, he attacked the back corner while I sprayed the wall and rafters above the paint thinner. The fire department arrived a few minutes later and got the fire put out, thank God. We lost a third of the garage, but my neighbor and myself managed to keep the fire from traveling into the main garage where all my husbands woodworking tools, contractor tools, compressors, lawn tractor, kayaks and many other valuable things are stored. It turned out that with our high temp of 85 today caused the paper towel with the stain on them to self-combust. The plastic trash can caught fire, which traveled to the vynol siding, the rest is history. Just very, very..... happy that it didn't spread farther and that the wind was blowing the direction it was. I would have been horrified if it had been blowing in the chicken coop direction and caught them on fire as well as my birds. In addition all the dry grass in the field and the hundred of acreas of woods behind us. Very scary, I will never ever place anything like that in a trash can again unless it is metal & has a lid.

oh my goodness!!!!! That is terrifying!!! I am so so glad that all humans and animals are safe and that it didn't take the whole garage, but so sorry you had to go through that. Thank god you were outside when it happened!!! Big big hugs to to you!
well it's been a week with the new chicks and haven't lost one yet knock on wood (thumping head)

I see BYC hasn't really fixed my issuses!!!

Congrats on stopping the fire in time!!!! Was this garage attached to the house?? if so you may end up with smoke damage in your house/attic.

Granny--- I have heard of having a cement pond but never a cement beggar man maybe a case of blonde hillybilly
Try putting some pencils in a can by it and then a sign saying all contributions welcome. Who knows you might make a few bucks.

TTFN all the BYC irritation with the typing I can take.
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