grannys gone and done it

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LOL, I just did the same thing ! when i got up this am i hid all the tv remotes :D I mowed from 8 am til 3:30 today my back is cramping . OUCH !   I have some pretty good news for a change. my dd got a hold of irs finally and she will have her check in 30 days or less !  they are going to rent a store /house. he will open his own shop . @ Old Grey Mare, Thank you so much for the tag. He has spoke to this man before and here is what i dont understand. well, in a way i do but  i will let you judge. This is according to my SIL, the man that is offering the jobs, his tattoos suck and it will bring a bad name to my SIL. My daughter doesnt want to pierce any more . she really likes her new job at goodwill.  This man did a tattoo on my friend and it got infected. he told her to put prep H on it. she ended up at the hospital from unclean conditions there. I dont know if that was just a one time thing or not. but that is one tattoo of his i did see for myself. The way the shop is set up, they cut hair in an open floor plan right next to where they tattoo. because he is starting to get work he wants to go it alone. no sharing 50% of what he does. He is doing one right now at someones home. he went yesterday to do it and told her he would come back today after there was a sanitary place for him to work. :eek: they will have 5 grand to work with in 30 days . 1000.00 of that will have to go to duke . the were turned down for the help and had their elect. shut off.  The rent money they did have went to a car yesterday. she bought it from my friend for very cheap and it will save tons on gas money. theirs is a big conversion ? van. 80.00 in gas in it lasts them just 3 days. this car 80 will probably last them all week if not more.  I dont know if its the right thing they are doing or not. I sure hope so.
So glad to hear the good news about your DD & SIL. That will be so much healthier for everyone
I am jelous Lisa, I have been looking for a couple swedish. they had 2 chicks at the swap. One was 15 and the other was a dollar. of course i got the dollar one with the messed up leg.  All my research leads to twisted leg. (bad diet) its not getting better.
Awe sorry about your little bad legged Swedish Flower. I had a horrible hatch over the weekend from the Swedish Flower eggs I got from a local breeder. She and another gal did as well a week ago so she gave me 14 today to try to get some to hatch. Was nice of her. Hope they will hatch, wish I could wiggle my nose and get you some.
This is day 14 of incubating the refrigerated eggs. Everything looks ok. The egg is about 3/4 of the way full not counting the air pocket. Had to take one out because of no development. 7 more days to go.
I'm at Day 14 too! Down to 58 in the bator. Y'all think the 8 aren't enough but you're all forgetting the 32 brooder babies. They're getting pin feathers and have started picking sores on each other. I'm getting them into the big ugly tractor this weekend.

I went to town to hang out with my BFF tonight. We made sushi! I'm getting better with practice.


I've got my annual lady-doctor checkup next week, and I think I'm going to get my hair cut and colored while I'm in town. I've had just a (3-inch) trim in the past five years, so it's time for change. And I haven't had color since my last box job in college. There's a hair school in town that does cuts for $5 and I can't remember the rest of the prices, but they're good too. I'm looking to lose about 18 inches.
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I'm at Day 14 too! Down to 58 in the bator. Y'all think the 8 aren't enough but you're all forgetting the 32 brooder babies. They're getting pin feathers and have started picking sores on each other. I'm getting them into the big ugly tractor this weekend.

I went to town to hang out with my BFF tonight. We made sushi! I'm getting better with practice.


I've got my annual lady-doctor checkup next week, and I think I'm going to get my hair cut and colored while I'm in town. I've had just a (3-inch) trim in the past five years, so it's time for change. And I haven't had color since my last box job in college. There's a hair school in town that does cuts for $5 and I can't remember the rest of the prices, but they're good too. I'm looking to lose about 18 inches.
Wohoo, you do have a bunch Camping. Have you ever checked with the American Cancer Society about donating your 18 inches? I fell a few years ago and broke my right wrist and badly sprained the other. I was not able to take care of my long hair, so I had my hair lady cut & save the ponytail for me. At that time I was actually involved in Relay For Life so I gave my ponytail to the ACS gal for our area. The nice thing about ACS (American Cancer Society) is that all wigs made from donated hair are given to cancer patients free of charge. Where as Locks for Love wigs have to be purchased. Good luck on your hatch!
Wohoo, you do have a bunch Camping. Have you ever checked with the American Cancer Society about donating your 18 inches? I fell a few years ago and broke my right wrist and badly sprained the other. I was not able to take care of my long hair, so I had my hair lady cut & save the ponytail for me. At that time I was actually involved in Relay For Life so I gave my ponytail to the ACS gal for our area. The nice thing about ACS (American Cancer Society) is that all wigs made from donated hair are given to cancer patients free of charge. Where as Locks for Love wigs have to be purchased. Good luck on your hatch!

I do like to donate, but I'm not sure who wants it now with the grays? Just a few here and there, but still...I'll have to look into it a bit more.
Wow that's a bunch of gravel, thank goodness I don't have to haul all of it by one wheelbarrow full at a time. Hope you all don't as well!

Well... *I* don't... DH on the other hand... hahaha, luckily I picked a good man and he's fit and built for manual labor. ;) He considers it a workout since he works such long, weird hours at his job and doesn't ever get to work out anymore. I did however haul 7 cu yards of compost a few weeks ago. I definitely need to start yoga back up again or something, lol! I am seriously out of shape.

This is day 14 of incubating the refrigerated eggs. Everything looks ok. The egg is about 3/4 of the way full not counting the air pocket. Had to take one out because of no development. 7 more days to go.

How exciting! Where did you get the eggs? Are they grocery store eggs? I refuse to get an incubator because I would be hatching chicks non stop. I'm sure my city wouldn't appreciate that since we have a 3 hen rule. LOL :)

I'm at Day 14 too! Down to 58 in the bator. Y'all think the 8 aren't enough but you're all forgetting the 32 brooder babies. They're getting pin feathers and have started picking sores on each other. I'm getting them into the big ugly tractor this weekend.

I went to town to hang out with my BFF tonight. We made sushi! I'm getting better with practice.


I've got my annual lady-doctor checkup next week, and I think I'm going to get my hair cut and colored while I'm in town. I've had just a (3-inch) trim in the past five years, so it's time for change. And I haven't had color since my last box job in college. There's a hair school in town that does cuts for $5 and I can't remember the rest of the prices, but they're good too. I'm looking to lose about 18 inches.

Yay for bestie time! I don't really have close friends where I live, even though we've lived here a long time. I got lucky and a great couple our age moved in next door to us, so the wife and I hang out and have a few margaritas when we can, and we all hang out together with our families a lot. Not too often these days sadly, she's doing an intensive school thing to get another degree, and she's a nurse, so we haven't been able to hang much. I love girl time. :)

I also chopped off about 15 inches a few months ago!! It was fabulous. :D Take before and after pictures!!

Wohoo, you do have a bunch Camping. Have you ever checked with the American Cancer Society about donating your 18 inches? I fell a few years ago and broke my right wrist and badly sprained the other. I was not able to take care of my long hair, so I had my hair lady cut & save the ponytail for me. At that time I was actually involved in Relay For Life so I gave my ponytail to the ACS gal for our area. The nice thing about ACS (American Cancer Society) is that all wigs made from donated hair are given to cancer patients free of charge. Where as Locks for Love wigs have to be purchased. Good luck on your hatch!

Oye, I didn't know that!! I tend to grow my hair out and then chop it all at once, and then I DO donate to Locks of Love. I will donate to ACS from now on. Thanks for sharing that!! :)
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Campiing not gray call it uber blonde.

Spent most of the afternoon crawling around in attics hooking up bathroom fans aka fart fans. Very hot up there. Chicks are getting feathers already 2 weeks old. Got a jumbo egg from one of my EE's who is not a year old yet. That's it for me for now. Sweet dream and warm fuzzies all.
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