grannys gone and done it

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thanks me too. scared me really bad. cried for a long time then got mad at arents. Tom just went straight to mad i guess. Little business , the name of the lily ?
thanks me too. scared me really bad. cried for a long time then got mad at arents. Tom just went straight to mad i guess. Little business , the name of the lily ?

Ooooooh, no idea about the lily's name. I asked for some on fb last fall when people started thinning them, and that's one I got. Every year I ask for the castoffs from people thinning their beds.
glad to see u back Enola,   what a beautiful baby !!!!  I am glad my ovaries dont hurt anymore. of course i dont have any .. LOL   And all these baby chicks !!  We are going to make sure there is no shortage of eggs for America !!   Reminds me of the stories my mother told of the depression. Government bought their eggs but they were forced to sell them. they also grew hemp for them.  they burned the stalks and kept the seeds.  I / We had a horrid scare yesterday. we almost lost the baby. If not for the fast legs of daddy. He was out playing with brothers and decided he would "go for a walk". My daughter seen him on the road and screamed for SIL.  He FLEW up there. I live on top of a hill and cars fly . you cant see my driveway. Anyway he got to baby just as car came flying up the road. seconds had not passed before he had grabbed baby and the car was there.  baby is fine except for a sore @ss. SIL has bruised feet from running on gravel. We all cried . dad hasnt left his side since yesterday. My poor Tom was screaming at the children today to the point i had to take him out to town. Baby was climbing on chair and he was panicking that he would fall, ect...

That is absolutely terrifying!!!!!! I am SO glad that he is okay. I get scared and mad, too. I cry and scream at them at the same time, lol. So thankful that daddy got there in time. One time we were at a place kind of like that, there's a little row of businesses along a riverfront road (the levee, basically) and when my oldest was maybe 2 he walked right out of the door of the ice cream shop and took off for the road. I screamed at my husband to grab him (he was closer) and he got him when he was about 2 feet from the road. Then my husband looked at me like I was crazy because I had screamed like that, and his parents were there. Like I had embarrassed him!!! I was livid. Still am actually and it's been like 6 years. Guess I kind of hold onto things. ;)
I hold onto a lot. sometimes i think my memory loss is a good thing. Camping, I never thought to ask on facebook about castoff flowers. It hurts not being able to plant now. A little over 2 1/2 acres here and when i moved here 10 yrs. give or take a yr. there was one tree on this land. within 3 yrs. I had planted over 600 trees. I went through about 7 shovels and this is all clay and rocks. This is not counting the shrubs and flowers . Now i cant even see my flowers for the weeds. My trees are growing very slowly. I am also not counting the ones that died. there was a lot. My surgery foot is my planting foot. NOT the cause of my problem though as both my feet are the same except for the surgery was done on one and not the other.
Maybe you should just sow your beds in native wildflowers. ;)

34th baby just hatched on its own. Two pips left, still active and cheeping. I'm trying to be patient. The others aren't really looking good. I'll leave them a few more days just to be sure.
36th baby pipped last night but wasn't very active. I helped it get started then went to bed. No progress when I woke up, so I went ahead and unzipped it. It's not trying to kick out yet, so maybe it still needs some time. Two internal pips aren't cheeping at me anymore, so I think I've lost them. Day 23.
yes Suzierd, I had nightmares last night. they were awful. It was my moms dog in the dream but it was an accident of falling off the roof and hitting the concrete 2 floors down. the kids were poking at her with a stick and i was trying to get down there to chase them off. but she wasnt dead. So i was trying to get her to the hospital when i woke up. Camping, the 2 that were pipping, try to give them an air hole. I candle to see where the air sac is and use a push pin. sometimes thats all it takes to let them finish. But anyway you have had a great hatch i think.
Just had a new experience here - DH was out on the back porch having a smoke and I stepped outside on my way to head to the barn for some chores. I was just about to step off the covered porch when DD came through the door, so I turned back to ask her a question and as we're all standing there I heard this noise......turned and looked out towards the barn and couldn't see a thing, because this huge cloud of bees came down over the roof line for the front of the house, the noise was absolutely deafening - had to be thousands of them as the cloud filled the air and was as long as the house. We quick ducked into the house and watched them - they swooped and swirled and made their way on across the pasture, up against the tree line and over the tree tops out of sight...less than 2 minutes start to finish. I have never seen so many bees at one time in my life. I'm just grateful that the horses were in the barn and I was not out in the middle of the big, open pasture with nowhere to go (where I would have been if I hadn't turned back to the porch to talk to DD). Being swarmed is one of my biggest fears........
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