grannys gone and done it

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Mike is afraid of cold weather.
the cold weather really does not bother me. The wind is a different story!
Dedicating myself to the hona chicks today. (And laundry, and junk sorting.) It's been a bit like triage around here, everyone getting minimal care because finishing the hatcher was the most desperate project.

Sick hona is spasming when I hold it? Legs and head twitch. I'm making it a super thin slurry. I spent yesterday trying to get it hydrated. It's a bit stronger today, seems hungry and thirsty.
Ttyl. Gotta get going.


Dedicating myself to the hona chicks today. (And laundry, and junk sorting.) It's been a bit like triage around here, everyone getting minimal care because finishing the hatcher was the most desperate project.

Sick hona is spasming when I hold it? Legs and head twitch. I'm making it a super thin slurry. I spent yesterday trying to get it hydrated. It's a bit stronger today, seems hungry and thirsty.

Busy busy for you camping!

Hope your hona can gain some more strength :fl
Quote: OMG....I LOVE this show!!!

It has been brought to my attention by one of the "Locals",
here on this thread that I am not spending enough time out in the forums. This is 110% true as I am stretched quite thin these days....saving my entire flock from what WAS a mystery disease, being complete life support for a hen that has developed heart failure, (I have brought this bird back to life from cardiac arrest several times this past week) (the dang bird must have 9 lives like a cat) and of course my main job here on BYC as "School Marm" or "Church Lady" if you prefer!
(goes completely against my grain of my normally obnoxious ways of doing the (fill in the blank here) ______ dance.

I have made a promise to this "Local" and will do my best to misbehave as much as possible!

Y'all have a fab day!!!!
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