grannys gone and done it

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Oh Lisa, your poor GD :hugs No wonder your madder than a wet hen. Respect for others seems to have fallen by the way side for a lot of the youth of today. Just the same over here right now. I hope with this being caught on video he gets the punishment he deserves. Just no need for it, ever!!

Lots of :hugs to your GD :hugs
Oh Lisa, your poor GD :hugs No wonder your madder than a wet hen. Respect for others seems to have fallen by the way side for a lot of the youth of today. Just the same over here right now. I hope with this being caught on video he gets the punishment he deserves. Just no need for it, ever!!

Lots of :hugs to your GD :hugs
Thank Kim, sure hope he does as well. That's just unacceptable behavior :hit
I've got to get some work done, bbl :hugs for everybody
I'm furious, my gd got punched in the eye yesterday morning by a high school football player. There is video & witnesses of him doing it. The bus driver switched up his route so he could drop her off at school early for her to be seen by the clinic in her school. A report has been made through the principal & a investigation is underway. Supposedly his friends said he was just horsing around & accidentally hit her, but he laughed after doing it. This is my gd after she was dropped off at the school.

This is just wrong, now kids are making fun of her today because of her shiner. Gosh there are some terrible monsters out there called kids these days. She has only been at this school 3 years & hates it. At the beginning of the school year she had one of the druggie kids in gym class, come up to her & whapped her hand with his tennis racket. She had a very swollen hand for about a week.Then he proceeded to laugh about it. He got in-school suspension, but what the h3ll is the matter with our youth?? When did it become ok to hit girls. This Nana is madder then a wet hen
let her parents handle the school, and the police over this......I know how difficult it will be for you.

your role, can be supporting your GD and explaining to her the wrongs of this.

if someone took video, it's on social media somewhere......find out who took the video, and look for the posting. copy it, and present to her parents, so they can present to the school....and the police. this was an assault, even if he "accidentally" hit her.
When my son was in school, there was a kid that wouldn't leave him alone. He would aggravate the crap out of J or punch him, J would punch him and then get suspended. To make a long story short, after J stuck his head in the toilet and then flushed the toilet one day the Principle finally called a meeting that involved all of the parents. I contacted a lawyer, showed him all of the times J had been suspended and nothing was ever done to the other boy. The lawyer printed up a statement that outlined all of the laws that would have been broken had the boys been adults. I read the letter to the other parents and the principle and informed them that I would be involving the sheriff the next time the kid put his hands on J.

Conflicts ended immediately......
When my son was in school, there was a kid that wouldn't leave him alone. He would aggravate the crap out of J or punch him, J would punch him and then get suspended. To make a long story short, after J stuck his head in the toilet and then flushed the toilet one day the Principle finally called a meeting that involved all of the parents. I contacted a lawyer, showed him all of the times J had been suspended and nothing was ever done to the other boy. The lawyer printed up a statement that outlined all of the laws that would have been broken had the boys been adults. I read the letter to the other parents and the principle and informed them that I would be involving the sheriff the next time the kid put his hands on J.

Conflicts ended immediately......
true story......

when I was in second grade I was constantly being beat up by one kid. he was bigger, faster and tougher. he would sneak up on me at recess, whip my tail. I would sneak up on him, and hit him first, second, and third, and he would whip my tail.

finally my dad told me, "Son I appreciate the fight you got in you, but boy you need to come up with a new tactic! How about you invite him over one Saturday."

I did, and we became friends. Even to the point, many times with older kids, he would take up for me, and we would end up tag team fighting the bigger kids.

none of us got suspended, we learned to work it out. even if that meant duking it out. those days are long gone, can't do that any more. not just because of PC, but because no one wants to fist fight anymore.
Oh Lisa, your poor GD
No wonder your madder than a wet hen. Respect for others seems to have fallen by the way side for a lot of the youth of today. Just the same over here right now. I hope with this being caught on video he gets the punishment he deserves. Just no need for it, ever!!

Lots of
to your GD

X 2
Back I am for a moment. Got all of Granny,Enola, and Sheila's paperwork done (right maybe) and ready to be mailed with the check. BUT without out the hair needed for DNA testing. I did this upon the registrar's advice this way I am "grandfathered" in and the cows will be registered. Now I just need to get the "butt" hair pulled and mailed off. asap
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