grannys gone and done it

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Show winning Serama from off the internet
thanks enola. I'm sure you and twist would love to have a few hundred of these fake chickens:gig.

They will be flying in a day or two. Right after I took this picture he glided off of the porch out into the yard. But then he couldn't take off again. I caught him and put him back on the nest. He was warm and soft.
awwww boy they grow fast.
The makers of that new feed are full of you know what...... And so are all of the site members that endorse it!

On another note....... The meanest rooster I ever had in my life was a **** Sebrite! He would fly right up in my face. Or he would attack me from behind, hold on to my pants with his beak while he proceeded to beat me to death with his wings. He didn't live very long ........
feed em skittles. It does the same thing lol.
thanks for that link. They seem to be very hard to find. I've never seen one around here.
thanks wishing. I hope they're all hens. I hear the makers of that New feed are fixing to put out a New egg wash that you can wash your eggs before incubation to get all hens

hhahaahaa a wipe on spermicide ?

Show winning Serama from off the internet
That is a nice one. Red, you are looking for the eye, wingtips, and feet to all be in a horizontal line. Tail should be held upright and make a V with the neck, with no back showing. 5 points on the comb and wingtips brush the ground. Temperament matters. They should be unafraid and very easy to handle. Like little soldiers, should stand up straight. Head back! Chest out! Tail up!

Baby dove telling me to get away
So big already! Very cute. Did these guys help your chicken yearning, or make it worse?
The makers of that new feed are full of you know what...... And so are all of the site members that endorse it!

On another note....... The meanest rooster I ever had in my life was a **** Sebrite! He would fly right up in my face. Or he would attack me from behind, hold on to my pants with his beak while he proceeded to beat me to death with his wings. He didn't live very long ........
Well so much for me wanting seabrites. I'm not letting a mean one live long neither.
hhahaahaa a wipe on spermicide ?   

That is a nice one.  Red, you are looking for the eye, wingtips, and feet to all be in a horizontal line. Tail should be held upright and make a V with the neck, with no back showing.  5 points on the comb and wingtips brush the ground.  Temperament matters. They should be unafraid and very easy to handle.  Like little soldiers, should stand up straight.  Head back! Chest out! Tail up!  

So big already!  Very cute.  Did these guys help your chicken yearning, or make it worse?  :)
wow. I love that look but I may have to settle for a none show bird.
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