grannys gone and done it

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Granny, did you see my egg post on fb? Did you see the lady offering to trade a goat for a couple dozen??

I'd trade any day if I had the room :oops:

I gave away 7 dozen yesterday . someone I dont really know. LOL

I gave 4 dozen away this morning to the neighbours, I made Charlie go deliver them. It's the only time he has been out of the house today!!
oh no ! :eek: will you assist ?
 Maybe just a pinhole in the air cell for oxygen boost ?

No I'm not going to help, will give them more time. Only day 20 so still time yet. If they have croaked on internal pip they won't have been healthy chicks. I'm one for letting nature take its course and what will be will be.

Will be peed off though if that has happened :hit

It is always disheartening when peeps don't hatch..... But I 100% agree on assisted hatches.
It is always disheartening when peeps don't hatch..... But I 100% agree on assisted hatches.

I have a different view on this, especially with the rare tolbunts. And let me say I respect your decisions but I find sometimes Its my fault like the humidity was too low and the shell is rock hard that no chick could pip through . dont mean there is something wrong with the chick. It just wasnt incubated right or mama ate way too much calcium. I have assisted a few times with success and no future problems with later hatches but because there can be so many reasons / things that go wrong its a very hard call to make.
Tentatively yes. It's the lady with the bred nanny that we want, but I don't know if that's the goat she's offering. She takes in lots of rescues. I don't have enough room to take in goats that won't fit the program.

how exciting !  The honas ?

She didn't specify, but I'd still make that trade. I need to thin the flock anyway. She doesn't have chickens at all and I'm pretty sure I remember her saying she's not an egg person... So really I'm not sure what's going on. If she "donated" a goat we could give her a tax writeoff because we're nonprofit.

Anyway, :fl :fl :fl :fl :fl
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