grannys gone and done it

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That's usually where the grass is highest

Think if I give them your name I'll get a discount?
I've tried to get my friend a discount. He mentioned my name and they charged him more. Might be better to act like you don't know me.

I only mow about 2 acres. its hills and around a lot of trees slows me down.  Plus others can do it fasted. Its bottom heavy when I am on. slows it down and puts a strain on the motor and tranny.  Do they have a tranny ?  LOL
I know the feeling. Mines in a strain with me on it. And I have to rest from time to time to so it takes me longer.
Doing good shell. How have you been?
sound ta red granny not safe with machinery hehe
I've tried to get my friend a discount. He mentioned my name and they charged him more. Might be better to act like you don't know me.
I know the feeling. Mines in a strain with me on it. And I have to rest from time to time to so it takes me longer.

Red, The pictures I seen of you did not make you look over weight. You are tall and it matches. I would say handsome but I dont want to give you the big head.
Red, The pictures I seen of you did not make you look over weight. You are tall and it matches.  I would say handsome but I dont want to give you the big head.
Well thank you granny. I am over weight though. I am kinda broad in the shoulers so that helps some. Use to be a little muscular but since I haven't worked, it's turned into flab lol. I've got about 50 pounds to lose.
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