grannys gone and done it

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I took campers out for a farm tour at 4:30. It's 91 degrees, feels like 95. Super humid. I was holding DD's old (less than 2) australorp hen for a chicken talk. About ten minutes. I put her down and she laid a shell-less egg. So I started talking to the kids about that when a kid picked her up and she dropped a yolk. While I was holding her they kept saying "she's peeing on you!" So I'm not sure what's going on. I know she laid eggs in the past few days. Maybe heat and stress?? Hoping she doesn't have a broken egg inside. Vent feathers looked clean as she walked away.
Hi guys, we bought a computer, so maybe I will be able to get on a little more often. To bring you up to date on what has been going on in my life........

We finally got Mike moved up here with us. He is still adjusting to life with a 2 year old. Since he never had kids, this has been a huge adjustment.

I like working at this store better than the store in SC. They are not as strict as the jerks at the old store. The hours are better.

We have been looking for a place in the country, but have not had much luck yet. We are beginning to think it is going to be easier to buy a small acreage than find a place to rent.

We have started a small garden, tomatoes, peppers, sunflowers and a worm bed. Ryan checks under the mulch every chance he gets to see if his worms have grown any. We don't have any hummingbirds yet, but the feeder is out on the front porch waiting for them. I have had to get used to mowing grass, since the horse is still in SC. We are using the grass clippings for mulch in the garden. Ryan and I planted several planters full of flowers that we put on the front porch.

Then some of the boards rotted and came loose, my foot went through and now I have a large bruise on the calf and thigh. The landlord had the porch repaired and as soon as the astro turf is in stalled, I should take pictures so I can share them with everyone.

Twist pm'd me to let me know the baby yak arrived. Maybe someone will post a link to the pictures I hope he posted.......

I have missed being on here and keeping up with the posts. There is no way I am going to be able to go back and read all I missed. I am way busier now than I was in SC. I miss having my chickens so much. Farm eggs are $3.50 or more a dozen. Fertile eggs for eating are $6 or more. I miss fresh eggs.

Granny have you been behaving? Red, how are the chicks? have you hatched any more?

Enough for now...... Looking forward to catching up with everybody!

Hi guys, we bought a computer, so maybe I will be able to get on a little more often. To bring you up to date on what has been going on in my life........

We finally got Mike moved up here with us. He is still adjusting to life with a 2 year old. Since he never had kids, this has been a huge adjustment.

I like working at this store better than the store in SC. They are not as strict as the jerks at the old store. The hours are better.

 We have been looking for a place in the country, but have not had much luck yet. We are beginning to think it is going to be easier to buy a small acreage than find a place to rent.

We have started a small garden, tomatoes, peppers, sunflowers and a worm bed.  Ryan checks under the mulch every chance he gets to see if his worms have grown any. We don't have any hummingbirds yet, but the feeder is out on the front porch waiting for them. I have had to get used to mowing grass, since the horse is still in SC. We are using the grass clippings for mulch in the garden. Ryan and I planted several planters full of flowers that we put on the front porch.

Then some of the boards rotted and came loose, my foot went through and now I have a large bruise on the calf and thigh. The landlord had the porch repaired and as soon as the astro turf is in stalled, I should take pictures so I can share them with everyone.

Twist pm'd me to let me know the baby yak arrived. Maybe someone will post a link to the pictures I hope he posted.......

I have missed being on here and keeping up with the posts. There is no way I am going to be able to go back and read all I missed. I am way busier now than I was in SC. I miss having my chickens so much.  Farm eggs are $3.50 or more a dozen. Fertile eggs for eating are $6 or more. I miss fresh eggs.

Granny have you been behaving? Red, how are the chicks? have you hatched any more?

Enough for now...... Looking forward to catching up with everybody!


Glad you are back. Glad mike is with you too.
Hi guys, we bought a computer, so maybe I will be able to get on a little more often. To bring you up to date on what has been going on in my life........

We finally got Mike moved up here with us. He is still adjusting to life with a 2 year old. Since he never had kids, this has been a huge adjustment.

I like working at this store better than the store in SC. They are not as strict as the jerks at the old store. The hours are better.

We have been looking for a place in the country, but have not had much luck yet. We are beginning to think it is going to be easier to buy a small acreage than find a place to rent.

We have started a small garden, tomatoes, peppers, sunflowers and a worm bed. Ryan checks under the mulch every chance he gets to see if his worms have grown any. We don't have any hummingbirds yet, but the feeder is out on the front porch waiting for them. I have had to get used to mowing grass, since the horse is still in SC. We are using the grass clippings for mulch in the garden. Ryan and I planted several planters full of flowers that we put on the front porch.

Then some of the boards rotted and came loose, my foot went through and now I have a large bruise on the calf and thigh. The landlord had the porch repaired and as soon as the astro turf is in stalled, I should take pictures so I can share them with everyone.

Twist pm'd me to let me know the baby yak arrived. Maybe someone will post a link to the pictures I hope he posted.......

I have missed being on here and keeping up with the posts. There is no way I am going to be able to go back and read all I missed. I am way busier now than I was in SC. I miss having my chickens so much. Farm eggs are $3.50 or more a dozen. Fertile eggs for eating are $6 or more. I miss fresh eggs.

Granny have you been behaving? Red, how are the chicks? have you hatched any more?

Enough for now...... Looking forward to catching up with everybody!

Glad to see you Enola!
Finally done with the grass . I dont know how long it took but I am wore out. I took about half hr. for lunch and finished about half hr ago. I lost my rooster . Whatever it was , It was fast.
I took campers out for a farm tour at 4:30. It's 91 degrees, feels like 95. Super humid. I was holding DD's old (less than 2) australorp hen for a chicken talk. About ten minutes. I put her down and she laid a shell-less egg. So I started talking to the kids about that when a kid picked her up and she dropped a yolk. While I was holding her they kept saying "she's peeing on you!" So I'm not sure what's going on. I know she laid eggs in the past few days. Maybe heat and stress?? Hoping she doesn't have a broken egg inside. Vent feathers looked clean as she walked away.

They pee a lot during hot weather... It's a cooling mechanism they use.
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