grannys gone and done it

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Night Linda!!

Mutt, good to see you again. I got lucky - fireworks weren't as bad as they could have been this year. My mutt just stayed in at home - as long as she has "her spot" she can hide in....she's not happy but she tolerates.

Good(ish) news on my sisters dog - he's responding well to the meds. He's staying with my mom for the next week so she can keep an eye on him while sibling works - and she can slowly adjust his med schedule to where sibling will be able to work it around her work schedule. He'll do okay until he's not...and then the sibling will have to make the hard call. :( never easy. (Anyone tuning in, my sibling's dog has a heart murmur, his heart has englarged to compensate and is interfering with his lungs, he has 3-6 months left)

My mutt, in the meantime, is getting lots of snuggles in, and I had a serious talk with the hubs that when something happens to my mutt...if it interferes with quality of life...that's it. I love my girl, but I'm not stringing her along in suffering. He seemed surprised at this.

Dark discussions indeed.'s skinny red after some yogurt to lighten things up.

Night Linda!!

Mutt, good to see you again. I got lucky - fireworks weren't as bad as they could have been this year. My mutt just stayed in at home - as long as she has "her spot" she can hide in....she's not happy but she tolerates.

Good(ish) news on my sisters dog - he's responding well to the meds. He's staying with my mom for the next week so she can keep an eye on him while sibling works - and she can slowly adjust his med schedule to where sibling will be able to work it around her work schedule. He'll do okay until he's not...and then the sibling will have to make the hard call.
never easy. (Anyone tuning in, my sibling's dog has a heart murmur, his heart has englarged to compensate and is interfering with his lungs, he has 3-6 months left)

My mutt, in the meantime, is getting lots of snuggles in, and I had a serious talk with the hubs that when something happens to my mutt...if it interferes with quality of life...that's it. I love my girl, but I'm not stringing her along in suffering. He seemed surprised at this.

Dark discussions indeed.'s skinny red after some yogurt to lighten things up.

STAR! Howdy! Saw the posts about the dog. It's hard. I'll post more tomorrow. Gotta go face down.
Poor Robert.
Backstory : He was the only one here with me when my mom passed. I had been calling him or Tom to help me pull her up in the bed. I seen she was passing and not thinking called for him. He come in to help me pull and watched her die. It was very traumatic for us both. Him not expecting it and she struggled for breath that wasnt coming.
Today, Konner went outside to do something and came in the house upset and said , pretty loudly "Shes dying". He had a serama in his hand but of course Robert didnt know that. He came in here white as a ghost and trembling after he seen me he started crying. This is something Robert dont do. I have only seen it a couple times and it was always his therapy cat. He grabbed me, hugged me and said, "I thought it was you". then he turned and went back to his room.
a beautiful, terrible thing
Quote: Hey! That's great! The wait is over, and the race has ended in a tie! Roxy and Star are in sync or something. Today was g'ma & g'pa's anniversary. They might have had something to do with this!

Pretty cool @campingshaws They both gave birth today.

Wishing, you were closest and consolation prize, Tomorrow is my youngest GS B-day. He will be 3 !
Don't suppose his name is Dorothy, is it?
He was high fiving the baby goat! He wants to name it Charlie.

Ha, his hair is a mystery.
Camping!!! Charles is my grandpa's name! You name those goats whatever you like, but to me they will always be Charles and Dorothy, Anniversary Goats.

Quote: Yes, tis!

well, I dont know where wishing is. I hope she is ok. Night all, sleep well.
Busy being busy. Tomorrow we pack! 28 pages you guys racked up since I was on!

Sorry I missed you! You need to get off that dumb facebook and spend more time here!
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