grannys gone and done it

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Granny!!!! You are too funny. Just had a two hour convo with the guy I was worried about with the hug. Come to find out he doesn't bat for the same team!!!! Lol. Thank god. I think I made a knew friend!!!!!

I'm glad you feel better about it, but I still think people shouldn't go around hugging people who don't want one, no matter the team. It's nice you have a new friend, though.
A little green valley would be fine.  That's how Utah was...  miles of scrub and no houses in sight, then a little green area with trees loaded with houses. Long time residents have water rights that new comers don't get.  You can tell who are the older residents- they are watering pasture for horses and cows.  I like living in the hills and being a short car ride to the ocean.  But if California doesn't get some good winter rain, we will be living in scrub pretty soon!  :/

You could always move here. My little town even made USA Today this week. We are the fastest shrinking town in the nation. Land is cheap, homes are being repossessed left and right. Our life blood is the oilfield. San Juan Basin doesn't even have one rig in the field right now.
Hubs and #2 hiked to the top of this little boulder, called Angel's Rest.

This is more my speed, going to the Weeping Rock, where rainwater is seeping from the cliff.

Inside it is nice and cool and the view is pretty. Sounded like it was raining with the constant drip of water from up above.

The rocks are much more red than is showing on my computer. They look better on the phone!
First night when the storm was winding down.

Last day hike after the huge boulders were cleared so we could get up to this spot. Everyone else wanted to go too!!

That is not my fanny, by the way. I'm taking the pics!

Glad we got a chance to drive through the tunnel!
Most dangerous thing I did in Zion NP happened when I was trying to take pics of a bunch of butterflies in a field. I saw this really strange, but beautiful, bug going from flower to flower just like the butterflies. It was a bright jewel blue with orange wings and over 2 inches long. I got very close to it and saw it was some sort of wasp! Got even closer and took some pictures.

Turns out this is a Tarantula Hawk wasp. They sting and disable tarantulas and lay their eggs in them. When the larva hatch, they eat the spider from the inside, leaving the vital organs for last to keep the spider alive as long as possible.
I also found out that they have the 2nd most painful sting of any insect.
So painful a person is stunned for a full 5 minutes. Also found out they are not all that friendly and don't like being bugged. (get it? bugged?
). Lucky for me this one was more interested in the flowers than my camera looming toward it. I just assumed it was a friendly happy nectar drinker like butterflies, not a spider killer with a debilitating sting. A wasp is a wasp I guess, but it sure was pretty. The blue was so bright in the sun. Camera didn't capture it very well. I should have been an entomologist! The flowers are called whorled milkweed.
Wishing, Did you hubs and #2 rock climb angels or hike around ? Very pretty place. Pic where you say not my fanny, did you climb that too ? It reminds me a little of Pat Boone national state park in Ky. I didnt live too far from there and we went camping there often. My cousin and myself used to hike something like that. We were very young. The caves are cool but not sure I would want to go through that tunnel. was it a walk or drive ?

Mornings all, CB stayed home today. said he hurts all over. I woke up puking . Still raining . stormed some last night. I havent been able to check the baby birds . still havent seen a mama bird.
Took pics of my garden this morning. I love that okra thrives on neglect. :lol:

Here I planted tomatoes, cucumber, green beans, marigolds.




Here I planted okra, squash, carrots, radishes, marigolds, and nasturtiums. The okra made it. :/



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